Paulini and Bradley McCaw Team Up For “Someone Like You”

I am a sucker for a great country duet. I don’t consider myself much of a country music fan, but put on a little Kenny and Dolly or Johnny and June and I’m all about it. The cheesier the better. So I’m totally smitten with “Someone Like You,” the brand new single from Bradley McCaw and Paulini. Sure it’s a little formulaic, but there’s no point reinventing the wheel. With stellar vocals and romantic sentiments, there’s a lot to like here.

“Paulini’s vocal is effortless. There’s a power and a playfulness that takes the song to a new place. It’s a positive love song, with is kind of rare for modern radio,” Bradley said. “Inspired by all the old school duets I have sung along to in my car!”

He originally wrote the song for one male singer but left the song unfinished for nearly a year until he realised what was missing. This needed to be a duet.
“We recorded the vocals in one session using two microphones, side by side in the one studio. It was very old school and because of this, we captured an innocence and joy in the performances,” he added. “Duets just have a different energy, combining two artists from different genres at the top of their game, and that sends the song into unexpected places.”

This is a total throwback, but I’m just optimistic enough to think it might inspire a revival. We can only hope!

Image used with permission from Bradley McCaw