No Second Single Syndrome for Bree de Rome

What do you get if you cross sixties soul with country vibes? “I Expected More” the stellar second single from Bree de Rome’s debut EP Bag of Bones.

I remember enjoying Bree’s spirit with her first single “Better Luck,” but feeling her songwriting skills needed work. So it’s great to see her honing her craft with this number co-written by the incomparable Sally Seltmann. If Bree keeps learning from such talented industry folks, the sky’s the limit for this endearing songstress.

Better Luck Next Time Bree De Rome

I normally don’t post clips that I’m not in love with. It’s my blog and I can do what I want after all. But I’m going to make an exception for Bree De Rome’s single “Better Luck”.

The danger in using a lot of bad luck clichés in your song is that the entire thing will come off as a bit of a cliché. The song writing feels a bit lazy honestly, and that really lets this sunny track down. That sunniness is also grating on me. I don’t mind a bit of positivity, but it’s almost like Bree hasn’t quite grasped the lyrics. When you’re saying goodbye to a failed relationship, shouldn’t there be just a little more edge?

Despite these failings, I find myself really liking Bree, even if I’m not mad about the song. She’s got a gorgeous voice and so much charisma. I like her so much that I think her debut EP Bag of Bones could be worth checking out. I might just skip this track. Bree’s promoting Bag of Bones with the following shows later this month.

20 September 2013 – The Waiting Room, Brisbane
21 September 2013 – The Loft, Gold Coast
4 October 2013 – Kittens, Sydney