“Melancholy” – Chris Lanzon

Sydney singer-songwriter Chris Lanzon wears his heart on his sleeve with the release of his latest EP Melancholy. As its name suggest, it’s a sombre affair. However, its honesty and emotional depth make it a compelling listen.

The beautiful opening piano intro sets the tone for these introspective numbers. The songs speak of the heartbreak and lingering heartache of lost love. There’s no frills or fanfare, just a man working through his emotions the best way he can. Chris recorded and produced these songs in his bedroom. That gives them a greater intimacy than your average studio recording. Most of these songs have solo songwriting credits too, ensuring his voice is undiluted and pure shining through the hurt.

That voice is so compelling. It’s brimming with emotion. If you’re feeling fragile after your own breakup, it could break you. However, Chris’ gentle tones are soothing too, as if given time it could put you back together again.

Melancholy takes us to an emotional place many of us might not want to go, but it also reminds us of the beauty that can be found in the darkness. It’s available on all your favourite streaming platforms now.

Image used with permission from Arow Agency