Ali Barter & Oscar Dawson Release Iso Track for Support Act

Yesterday my husband and I marked one month since locking down. We’ve taken this shit pretty seriously, ordering our groceries and never stepping any further than the kerb to put the bins out. We’re getting a little sick of staring at the same four walls to be honest, something Ali Barter and her boyfriend Oscar Dawson of Holy Holy can undoubtedly relate to. They’ve just released a love song for the isolation age, “Four Days.”

Of course, any song written in the confines of the pandemic will hardly be roses and rainbows. This track addresses the frustrations that come from time trapped together. It came about after the pair spent two weeks together following Ali’s return from the USA. Triple J’s Hing and Hobba challenged them to write a song about the ordeal over 24 hours, including listener lyric suggestions. It’s all for a good cause, with proceeds from the song’s streams and sales going to Support Act’s COVID-19 Emergency Appeal.

”The crisis is having a massive effect on the music industry and especially the folks involved in touring – session musos, roadies, sound engineers who literally can’t work now,”Ali explained. “Support Act is the best way to get much-needed funds and assistance to those people. Super happy to put something out there to make people smile and raise some money!”

So get streaming or purchase the single to help the fundraising efforts! You can also make additional donations through the Support Act website.

Image used with permission from Inertia Music

Help the Music Industry Through COVID-19

If you thought your weekends were looking pretty bleak, spare a thought for our local musos. They are among the Australians hardest hit by the economic ramifications of COVID-19. They don’t just miss the social interaction and buzz of live shows. All those cancelled shows take money directly out of their pockets. Most don’t qualify for the government’s JobSeeker payments, due to the casual nature of their work, so they’re relying on the kindness of supporters like you to help get them through.

I understand many Australians are doing it tough. As a fellow creative freelancer, my income has certainly taken a hit right now. Some of us have to prioritise putting food on our own tables. However, if you can spare any money right now, there are a few things you can do to help support the industry you love. There are even many things that won’t cost you a cent.

  • Donate to Support Act. Support Act has worked for years to support the financial and mental wellbeing of our music industry. Right now, they’re making sure artists, crews, and other music personnel get the money they to weather this global crisis. If you can’t spare money from your own bank account, think about giving even a portion of the money from any refunded tickets their way.
  • Hold onto your tickets for postponed shows. Most promoters have done their level best to reschedule shows rather than cancelling them outright. In most cases, you can take the refund if you prefer. It might be tempting, especially if the show is a general admission gig you feel like you can easily buy tickets for later. However, if everyone pulls their money out, these events may not happen. Events companies will feel the strain, especially as they’ll need to find money to market the events all over again. Your patience now will help ensure we can all enjoy live music once the scene gets back up and running again.
  • Get some merch. The Sound of Silence website has links to the online stores of your favourite Aussie acts. Buy T-shirts. Buy vinyl. Buy a sticker or stubby holder if you’re short on dough. It all helps. Remember the little guys too who don’t have the profile to make Sound of Silence’s list.
  • Buy a Sound of Silence SOS T-shirt. Sound of Silence has its own merch benefitting Support Act. These tees will help you look your best during isolation!
  • Keep consuming music. Whether you’re buying hard copies or streaming digitally, the music you consume puts money in your favourite artists’ pockets. Keep tuning in!
  • Tune in to virtual concerts. Virtual concerts have been the silver lining for me through these last few weeks. So many musicians are bringing their tunes to you online. Enjoy them and remember to leave a tip in the PayPal or Venmo accounts of your favourites when you can. Just consider it a cover charge!
  • Share with your friends. This is the perfect time for turning people on to your favourite acts. Share their tunes and their streams with your mates to boost the signal.
  • Send messages of support. Your favourite musicians and venues would love to hear from you. Leave a message of support on their socials to let them know you’re there for them right now.

Got any other tips? How are you staying sane and entertained in isolation? Make sure you leave your comments!

Image used with permission from Ferris Davies PRM