Family Fold Releases Pop-Rock Gem “Crying in the Carwash”

Family Fold, the latest musical venture from Paul Andrews of Lazy Susan fame, has just dropped their brand new single “Crying in the Carwash.” It’s a straight-up pop rock pleaser with a soaring string section and solid lyrics.

“I recorded the track in Nashville with a guy called Brad Jones who has worked with lots of Australian artists like Bob Evans, Missy Higgins and Melody Pool,” Paul explained. “When it came to recording the solo … we were stuck for what instrument we should use. I suggested strings and Brad’s face immediately lit up. ‘I have a guy in Kentucky,’ which sounded so awesome I wouldn’t have cared if it was someone scraping a piece of cut glass across a toy ukulele, I had to go with it.

“We sent the track away, with no parts having been written, to this ‘guy in Kentucky’ and it came back magically a few days later with the most stunning string parts. ‘I have a guy in Kentucky’ has now entered my every day vocab for something a bit ‘on the down low’ that comes through with the goods.”

“Crying in the Carwash” gives us our first taste of Family Fold’s new album Ashfield Skyline. It’s set to drop in August, but you can get a cheeky sneak peek when the band played The Hideaway Bar in Enmore on July 21.