Get Smitten by CSÖKE’s Romantic New Single

With so much angst in the world, listening to music is a great way to drown the noise out and forget your troubles for a little while. That’s exactly what I did on hearing “I Think I’m Falling,” the latest track from Sydney singer-songwriter CSÖKE. This song is such a charmer, with an easy, breezy groove and CSÖKE’s angelical vocals. It sounds all sweetness and light, but tap into those lyrics and you’ll discover it’s more complex than you first realised.

“I found it hard to let people in, even myself. I was scared to let someone love me, be vulnerable and allow myself the possibility of having my heart broken. I had myself for so long, I got used to having my guard up and only relying on myself. The idea of relying on someone else freaked me out,” CSÖKE admitted.

“I wrote this track with Chelsea Warner. Her presence made me feel super calm to talk a bit about how I was feeling and I was scared I had lost the ability to write songs. We decided to write a song about the total opposite thing I was feeling at the time and write about that first realisation of falling in love, that first hit of emotion you feel, the ‘Oh shit’ and the struggle I felt in my own experience of falling in love and pushing down my walls and allowing myself to feel things. It was a silver lining of what was going on in my life, when life felt like it was falling apart I was also falling in love for what felt like the first time.”

After just one listen, I’m sure you’ll have fallen just as hard for this song as I did!

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; photo credit: Stephanie Jewell