SoSo Build You Up With “D.R.E.A.M.S”

It’s always a good time with Eora/Sydney pop-punk act SoSo releases a new single. The band might insist they’re “offensively average”, but when keep releasing quality tracks like “D.R.E.A.M.S” I have to respectfully disagree! Like so many great pop-punk anthems, “D.R.E.A.M.S” gives the middle finger to the naysayers. However, rather than dwelling on the negatives, it celebrates people who refuse to listen to the critics and keep forging on.

“So-called friends told me music wasn’t for me, to give up, that I could never get anywhere with it.” Rhys de Burgh, lead singer of SoSo explained. “If I had taken the advice of those ‘friends’ and given up way back then instead of following my dream, then we’d never have created SoSo. To whoever listens to ‘D.R.E.A.M.S’ – if you want to create, if you want to chase something different and unique, just go and do it. Don’t give a fuck whether those around you approve or not, just go do what you love.”

“D.R.E.A.M.S” is the second track lifted from SoSo’s sophomore album, which is slated for release in February 2023. It can’t come soon enough!

Image used with permission from GYRO PR