Sunny Luwe Provides My Travelling Soundtrack With “Fly Like a Bird”

In 2019, I booked the trip of a lifetime cruising from Adelaide up the Western Australian coast. Then a little thing called the COVID-19 pandemic happened and we had to postpone it. A few times. Now after all this time, my husband and I are finally setting sail. Don’t worry Sounds of Oz readers, I’ve worked my arse off putting together some articles about fabulous music for your listening pleasure while I’m gone. You’ll barely miss me. However, if some major news drops and I’m not on it, you know why.

Given that I’m sailing today, it seemed the perfect time to celebrate Sunny Luwe’s feelgood new track “Fly Like a Bird.” I might be on the water rather than in the air, but its relaxed feel and optimistic vibe certainly suits my mood right now. Hopefully it reflects yours too, or it can make your day a little brighter.

Sunny, who previously recorded under the name Dani Teveluwe, wrote this track with Grammy-nominated Aussie artist Sally Seltmann. She was “overcome with gratitude” to work with Sally, and you can hear that honest emotion coming through this work.

Sunny plans to offset all carbon generated through this release through donations to Queensland non-profit organisation, Rainforest 4.

“Over the past few years I have been working diligently at my career, however I felt I was denying my power to effect meaningful change,” Sunny explained. “I wanted that to shift that in 2023, so I’m really embracing my responsibility to myself, others and the Earth by offsetting my musical projects. I also wanted this to be fun, and bringing Sunny Luwe into the world in this way felt very natural and fun, as well as a good platform to educate others around carbon offsetting.”

There’s a lot more new music where this came from, with Sunny planning to release her first album under her new moniker later this year. She’ll also play BEMAC Live at the Queensland Multicultural Centre in Meeanjin/Brisbane on June 23.

Image used with permission from Kick Push PR

Dani Teveluwe Charms with “Hypnotise”

Dani Teveluwe has just dropped her dreamy new single “Hypnotise”. The gentle melody and sweet lyrics cast a spell, perfectly evoking those heady feelings of falling of love.

“The song reminds me of that love bubble you exist in when you first fall for someone,” Dani explained. “It’s literally like the rest of the world disappears, and they are the only thing that matter.”

2022 has already been massive for Dani. She’s opened for Death by Denim and Old Mervs, joined Chutney and Charlesworth on stage for Burleigh bEATS, and earned a place on the Women in the Front lineup with Jaguar Jonze, Loose Content, and Sofia Isella. She also flew to Sydney to write a track with the one and only Sally Seltmann and was named an artist to watch by 4ZZZ. And it’s only the start of June. The good news is, there’s much more to come.

Dani is working with Gold Coast artist Emma Van Zaane on her first range of merch. She’s preparing to release her debut EP, Into the Deep on July 27. Her first album will follow next year. Something tells me 4ZZZ was right; Dani Teveluwe is definitely one to watch.

Image used with permission from Dani Teveluwe

Dani Teveluwe Drops Cool New Single “Waiting Wasting Time”

As you cruise towards the weekend, take a listen to Dani Teveluwe’s laidback new single “Waiting Wasting Time”. It’s a cool pop number with a jazz influence that reminds me a little of Norah Jones or Corinne Bailey-Rae. While the track has a relaxed feel, the lyrics encourage listeners to quit procrastinating and go out and get whatever it is they’ve been wanting.

“’Waiting Wasting Time’ first came to me when I was walking my gorgeous Golden Huey around Miami. The chorus melody soothed my soul and I loved it from the get-go”, Dani explained. “It’s funny because building the courage to make a change can sometimes take years, but in reality, the moment we decide to change is quite fleeting. Around that time, I had been thinking a lot about the motivation behind change. That moment when change is no longer a choice and when it becomes a necessity. What is that thing that gets us to finally book that overseas trip we’ve always wanted to go on? What makes us overcome the fear of rejection to ask someone out, or perhaps ending a relationship that isn’t right? How do you describe the desire to leave a perfectly stable job to pursue your passion? The more I dwelled on it, the more I realised that I had created my own discontentment in the past by not going for it. By taking the safe option instead of the scarier path, living in my head not my heart. I decided I was done with waiting and wasting time.”

Dani also isn’t wasting any time taking this song to the people. You can catch her playing free at the Beach Hotel in Byron Bay tonight or tomorrow night at Solbar on the Sunshine Coast.

Image used with permission from Dani Teveluwe

Dani Teveluwe Drops Beautiful New Single, “Movin’ On”

The global pandemic has encouraged so many of us to look inside for what we need to be truly happy. In that current climate, “Movin’ On” by Dani Teveluwe, a singer-songwriter living on Yugambeh Country, really strikes a chord.

Releasing music is one of the things Dani’s realised makes her happy. A professional school teacher, she started releasing music last year. While the process was confronting, the positive feedback she received has helped her feel more confident sharing her music with others. Her new single “Movin’ On,” her third release for the year, celebrates living for yourself instead of existing to please others. The stripped-back instrumentation showcases Dani’s pure voice and stellar lyrics so beautifully. Dani wrote the song after visiting someone and deciding she needed to “move on” from relationships that no longer served her.

“I had just gotten back from catching up with someone who I thought was a friend and our time together that had left a real sour taste in my mouth. There was this feeling of resentment, judgement, disappointment that had reared its head during my visit. When I left, I didn’t feel like I had gotten to catch up with a friend, it was more of an obligatory visit to keep someone happy,” she explained.

“The real problem was me though. I had become such a people pleaser. I was so desperate for everyone to like me that I had become a chameleon, morphing and shifting my personality, opinions, and actions to meet their needs, to keep them happy. Stepping back from myself I saw how I’d change my personality around specific people, mirroring them, purely from a place of wanting to be liked. However, ‘they’ always changed, the goalposts always shifted and moved. It was impossible, exhausting and I wasn’t being me. I am forever grateful for that catch-up because it gave me this song and a valuable lesson.”

“Movin’ On” is out today.

Image used with permission from Dani Teveluwe; credit: Lauren Hooper