DICE Drop “Stockholm” Single Ahead of EP Release and East Coast Tour

DICE have already sold out plenty of shows on their upcoming tour, but the release of their fabulous new single “Stockholm” should move the rest of those tickets. You know what to do. Press play and enjoy three minutes of exquisite surf rock. Then point your browser to snap up tickets to a show near you, if you haven’t already done so!

“Our latest single, ‘Stockholm’ is a Gen-Z take on the concept of Stockholm Syndrome. The track’s lyrics delve into the intrusive thoughts that arise when you feel trapped within a group of people whose morals and values don’t align with yours and you feel unable to escape the situation yet are forced to be around them,” the band explained. “The process of making this track felt a lot more thought out and perfected than our previous songs. The foundation for the track was made 6 months ago while touring however we continued to work and refine the song to really hone in on the cohesiveness of all the parts. Taking more influence from Brit-Pop we are finding our sound is maturing with each release all while learning that sometimes overthinking parts of a song can hinder our momentum.”

“Stockholm” gives us another taste of DICE’s sophomore EP Time Will Tell, which drops on May 4. You can count on the band playing songs from that release and old favourites at the following gigs:

11 May 2023 – Burleigh Bazaar, Yugambeh Country/Gold Coast (SELLING FAST)
12 May 2023 – Beach Hotel, Cavanbah/Byron Bay (FREE)
13 May 2023 – Spaced Out Festival, Meeanjin/Brisbane
17 May 2023 – La La Las, Dharawal Country/Wollongong (SOLD OUT)
18 May 2023 – Waywards, Eora/Sydney (SOLD OUT)
19 May 2023 – Waywards, Eora/Sydney (SOLD OUT)
20 May 2023 – Cambridge Hotel, Mulbinba/Newcastle (SOLD OUT)
25 May 2023 – Republic Bar, Nipaluna/Hobart
26 May 2023 – Corner Hotel, Naarm/Melbourne (SOLD OUT)
27 May 2023 – Crown & Anchor, Tartanya/Adelaide (SOLD OUT)
28 May 2023 – Crown & Anchor, Tartanya/Adelaide
10 June 2023 – The Rechabite, Boorloo/Perth

Image used with permission from beehive

DICE Drops Another Choice Cut, “The Search”

Whenever DICE release new music, it’s always a good time. “The Search” is another fabulous track from this Western Australian rock act. It’s hard to believe they’ve only been releasing tunes for a year and a half, because every one sounds like a classic.

“The Search explores the themes of uncertainty of the future ahead, which were heavily influenced by the ever-changing COVID-19 restrictions in Western Australia,” the band explained. “We also were influenced by climate change and the lack of action we see in today’s politics. This drove us to write a song where the meaning is deeper than previous songs we have written as we feel strongly about these issues.”

After playing plenty of East Coast shows, DICE are rewarding their local fans with a big launch show tonight at The Rosemount in Boorloo/Perth.

“The four of us are extremely grateful for having the opportunity to travel to the other side of Australia to play our tunes and we owe it all to the fans! Leaving the Perth music bubble was definitely daunting at first because of the tight knit community that has formed, however from the get go we felt right at home on the east coast. It was the most surreal and humbling experience to play in front of crowds where we knew not a single person”

Don’t worry Eastern Australia; we’re not missing out. DICE will hit the road in October. Before that Western Australia will have a couple of extra chances to see them play. Here are all the dates you need:

9 July 2022 – The Rosemount Hotel, Boorloo/Perth
12 August 2022 – Indian Ocean Hotel, Chi Sippi/Scarborough (with Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers)
13 August 2022 – Mojos Bar, Walyalup/Fremantle (with Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers)
6 November 2022 – Solbar, Kabi Kabi Country/Sunshine Coast (with Great Gable)
11 November 2022 – Astor Theatre, Boorloo/Perth (with Great Gable)

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; credit: Michael Tartiglia

DICE Goes From Strength to Strength With Latest Single, “Bad Tattoo”

DICE have only been together for 15 months, but they’ve made a big impression during that time. Aside from winning my heart, they’ve released six singles, clocked up 900,000 streams, and sold-out headline shows. They might just crack the magic million with their latest effort “Bad Tattoo.”

“’Bad Tattoo’ steers away from deeper meanings like our past tracks had (self belief, the mental and physical strain of gigging, how to cope with young relationships),” the band said. “We wanted to create a track which can embody our cheeky, light-hearted side of experiencing young adulthood. With reference to past experiences, we portray bad tattoos as a good thing, a representation of a memory rather than regret.”

DICE are also preparing to drop their first EP Adolescent Arcade. To celebrate its release, the Perth band will tour their home state next month.

“Our upcoming EP tour is a huge milestone for us and a major achievement after only 15 months as a band. We have been privileged to be able to support other bands tours such as Dear Sunday and Death by Denim but there is something extra exciting and special about doing it yourselves,” the band added. “This is definitely a big mark in our career and we are ecstatic to be able to perform our own shows at some of our favourite places such as Margaret River and also do our first all-ages show at YMCA HQ.”

Get those tickets while they’re hot!

1 April 2022 – Mandurah Top Floor, Mandurah (with Ra Ra Viper & Little Guilt MANDURAH, WA
8 April 2022 – YMCA HQ, Leederville (All Ages with Ra Ra Viper)
9 April 2022 – The River Margs, Margaret River (with Ra Ra Viper and King Blue)
30 April 2022 – DICE Fest @ Badlands, Perth

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; credit: Odin Fahey

Wake Up to DICE’s “Double Espresso”

I am not an early riser. Normally my husband’s alarm goes off at 7 and I sleep for a couple more hours. So I’m as surprised as anyone that I was wide awake at around 6:30 this morning, obsessing about the work on my agenda today. I don’t do coffee, but I figure DICE’s new single “Double Espresso” is the musical equivalent. Just like the best coffee, or so I’ve been told, it’s totally smooth without a hint of bitterness.

“‘Double Espresso’ explores the exhaustion that results from partying too hard going hand in hand with playing consecutive shows and the consequences of relying on coffee to get through the seemingly never-ending weekend resulting in countless sleepless nights,” the band explained.

After releasing six singles now, DICE promise that their debut EP isn’t too far away. In the meantime, they’ll launch this track at Mojo’s Bar in Fremantle on February 18.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; credit: Michael Tartiglia

DICE Spread Sunshine With “Stop Sign”

Maybe I’m looking for a sonic antidote to the lingering rain in my part of the world, but I am really gravitating towards summer anthems at the moment. The latest is “Stop Sign,” an absolute cracker of a tune from DICE. Just like recently featured artist outfit, DICE are a fantastic Western Australian band. What is in the water in that part of the country? I’m not quite sure, but I am living for it.

“‘Stop Sign’ is a self-reflection on personal values and self-will to achieve your dreams and desires,” the band explained. “Lyrically the song explores the battles between self-belief and shying away from what you truly want.”

DICE played their first gig in November 2020 and have proved to be an unstoppable force ever since. These guys sell out shows, so make sure you organise tickets now for one of the following gigs.

27 November 2021 – Settler’s Tavern, Margaret River (supporting Dear Sunday)
18 December 2021 – Tone City Christmas Party @ Mojos Bar, Fremantle
26 December 2021 – Out & About Festival @ Port Beach Brewery, Fremantle

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; credit: Odin Fahey