Wake Up to DICE’s “Double Espresso”

I am not an early riser. Normally my husband’s alarm goes off at 7 and I sleep for a couple more hours. So I’m as surprised as anyone that I was wide awake at around 6:30 this morning, obsessing about the work on my agenda today. I don’t do coffee, but I figure DICE’s new single “Double Espresso” is the musical equivalent. Just like the best coffee, or so I’ve been told, it’s totally smooth without a hint of bitterness.

“‘Double Espresso’ explores the exhaustion that results from partying too hard going hand in hand with playing consecutive shows and the consequences of relying on coffee to get through the seemingly never-ending weekend resulting in countless sleepless nights,” the band explained.

After releasing six singles now, DICE promise that their debut EP isn’t too far away. In the meantime, they’ll launch this track at Mojo’s Bar in Fremantle on February 18.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; credit: Michael Tartiglia