Amanduh Drops a Different Kind of Break-Up Song, “Eye to Eye”

After a busy week of work, social engagements, and medical appointments, I’m relishing the opportunity to slow down and soak up the summer vibes this Sunday. As I embrace a day free from responsibilities, I’ve got Amanduh’s latest single “Eye to Eye” on repeat. It’s a break-up anthem that refuses to dwell on the end of a relationship and instead celebrates the possibilities ahead.

“It’s a reflection of everything that didn’t align, not for better, not for worse, just is what it is,” Amanduh admitted. “A lot of break-up songs latch onto the idea of really deep sadness, or anger, but I wanted to recall on all the little intricacies that just don’t align when dating and there’s no bad blood when it doesn’t work out. Sometimes things just don’t work out and it’s OK.”

Hit the volume on this one and take the time for a little dance break. I swear this song will elevate your Sunday just as it has mine.

Image used with permission from Kick Push PR

Casey Donovan Launches Career Comeback

We’ve all read the news stories claiming the latest Australian Idol winner Natalie Gauci hasn’t met public expectations. A number two single and top ten album sounds like a success to me, but in failing to hit the number one spot poor Nat’s already been written off by many. Perhaps she can take heart knowing how another “fallen Idol,” Casey Donovan, has landed on her feet.

Casey’s Idol journey in 2004 was spookily similar to Natalie’s. Through consistent performances she won over the public, taking the crown over her more fancied pretty boy rival Anthony Callea. Despite strong debuts, Casey’s career quickly faded while Anthony’s soared.

The fickle public all but forgot about her. Casey used this time out of the spotlight to her advantage, honing her performance skills at some low-key gigs and crafting a fine collection of songs.

These tracks are featured on Eye to Eye, her first independent release. Copies are available through Casey’s MySpace page, which also includes snippets of the EP’s songs. She may not have the backing of a major label anymore, but with songs this good who needs it?