Jet and Wolfmother Are Wannabes, Say Airbourne

Airbourne may have their sights set on finding new fans in America, but they’re certainly not going to make any new friends back home. Lead singer Joel O’Keefe has slammed other local success stories Jet and Wolfmother in an interview with Canada’s Chart Attack.

“Jet and Wolfmother are not for real. We are. That’s the difference. They’re not for real. They’re doing it to be cool, and you can tell,” he said.

“Wolfmother and Jet are a bad example of rock that comes out of Australia. They’re just carbon copies of something they want … they’re wannabes. They’re like American Idol or something like that. They’re not legit.”

Joel said Airbourne plan to focus on the American market and treat Australia as a “tourist destination.”

“We intend to move here [North America] for good. Australia will become a tourist destination for us. We’re all going to live in a house together. We’re here to get drunk and get wasted and have a party with everyone.”

Funnily enough, I don’t think Australia’s going to miss them. “Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast” was a minor hit, but they haven’t really made a big impression. And we don’t tend to like bands who turn their back on Oz and rubbish our other artists. Good riddance Airbourne!

Image source: Eetwartti @ Wikimedia Commons