Press Play, Then Play Again on Figurehead’s “On Repeat”

Fremantle five-piece Figurehead have been a force out west for some time, but they’re ready to let the rest of the country know what they’re all about. Their new track “On Repeat” is the ideal introduction, a laidback indie-rock banger that goes down easy. Despite its relaxed groove and summery melody, the track has some intense lyrics which explore drug-induced paranoia and entrapment.

“The main riff that initiated the song was the first thing I played when I picked up my new Fender Telecaster and the lyrics followed,” explained frontman Joe Caddy. “The song initially had a longer run time and a different structure, but the short poppy skeleton of the song was in part, the vision of Dave Parkin of Blackbird Studios, who produced the song.”

Figurehead will launch “On Repeat” for hometown fans at Clancy’s Fish Pub on July 3. They’re also scheduled to play Perth’s Under the Southern Stars gigs next year.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR

“All Worthwhile” – Figurehead

The members of Fremantle band Figurehead might be fresh out of high school, but they’ve just released their second EP All Worthwhile.

This collection of songs has all the passion and enthusiasm you’d expect from a bunch of teens. While this is their second EP, these guys are still delightfully rough around the edges. Acts with indie pop-punk leanings shouldn’t have too much polish though. I think their rawness is one of their strengths.

This is a band who writes about what they know. They’re young guys, so it’s only fitting that their song of heartbreak opening the EP is about a cancelled bus route, not a woman.

Tracks like “Ear to Lend” and “Fade” explore relationships in the way only teens can. I felt a sense of nostalgia listening to these songs about navigating those complex couplings and figuring people and their true motivations out.

“Suits” might be my favourite track on All Worthwhile. It’s got such an infectious energy about it. It’s the kind of track that makes you want to dance like no one is watching.

The whole EP is solid stuff though, the kind of recording that hints at big things from these guys. They’re a little green right now, but they’ve got considerable charm and a massive future ahead.

All Worthwhile is available now from all your favourite digital outlets.

Image used with permission from Jared King PR