Tom Thum and Paulina Pair Up For “Focus on Me”

Tom Thum has teamed up with emerging Meeanjin/Brisbane artist Paulina for a fabulous new single, “Focus on Me.” The pair developed the track which emerged from a spontaneous Instagram jam session which drew more than 1.4 million viewers and helped Paulina score 15k more followers in the next few days. It’s the ideal showcase for Paulina’s heartfelt vocals and Tom’s signature beatboxing.

“This track is more than just a viral hit; it’s a reflection of our shared experiences and the spontaneous magic that happens when Tom and I create music together,” Paulina shared. “It’s about finding solace in music and each other.”

Tom added, “Paulina and I have managed to find a synergy in our workflow and creativity that I only come across very rarely. I think the fact we both just want to be creative for the sake of simply enjoying the process, makes all of our ideas so far seem very natural. I think that’s why this song works, it was a fun, spontaneous seed of an idea that well and truly outgrew its pot very quickly.”

Tom’s next gig is with Jamie Macdowell at the Redland Performing Arts Centre in Nandeebie/Cleveland on February 15. Paulina will play for hometown fans at The Beaded Lady on February 22.

Image used with permission from Hunger Digital