General Pants’ Major Label Signs Up Three New Bands

General Pants’ Major Label record label has just signed up its latest batch of acts.

New to the Major Label roster are Sydney post punk surf rockers Step Panther, Melbourne garage rock act The Kremlin Succession, and 17-year-old singer songwriter The Harry Heart Chrysalis of Bundaberg.

“The accessibility to new, young unsigned talent online has given new life to the Australian music industry. Major Label capitalizes on online trends and local word of mouth to discover and give a leg up to unsigned Australian bands and these three new young acts are our most diverse signings to date” said Todd Wagstaff, General Manager of Major Label.

Head to the Major Label website to stream tracks from these hot new artists and learn more about them. And remember, if you want to get your band in on the Major Label action drop your demo into any General Pants store around the country.

Image used with permission from Peer Group Media

General Pants Champions Singles with Major Label

General Pants has branched out into the world of music with its new singles only record label, Major Label.

The clothing retailer has celebrated the launch with the release of three tracks handpicked by the street-savvy chain’s staff. The singles are a real mixed bag. There’s the sweet folk-pop stylings of “Phone Call” from High Highs, the grittier garage sounds of “Another Trick” from Circle Pit, and the trippy electronic tune “In Our Circles” by Guineafowl.

The songs are available to stream through the General Pants website and to purchase at selected online retailers. But this is just the beginning, with the brand putting out its feelers to release plenty more exciting indie tracks. If you want to become a Major Label artist, contact Henry Roberts of Peer Group Media or take your demo to any General Pants store.

Image used with permission from Peer Group Media