Bodyjar Boys Back with Cola Wars

Just months after wrapping up their final tour with Bodyjar, Cam Baines and Shane Wakker are back with their brand new outfit Cola Wars.

The lads are joined by Mikey Juler, formerly of For Amusement Only, and Mark Brunott. The new single “Giving It Up” is our first taste of Cola Wars’ debut album Invader, which will hit Australia music stores on June 18 with a Japanese release to follow. It’s got some great hooks and a fantastic energy. And it seems the lads themselves are just as pleased with it.

“We are fully stoked with this recording. I reckon it packs a real punch,” said guitarist Cam Baines. “We produced the whole album with Kalju Tonuma (The Living End, Temper Trap, Evermore) and it came together without a hitch. Some of these songs have been in the incubator for a few years now so it was great to finally do them justice.”

This is the sort of music which will really come alive on stage, so make sure you stay tuned for details of Cola Wars’ first national tour soon!