Sannia Slays With “Go and Get Over”

Melbourne chanteuse Sannia wears her heart on her sleeve with her debut single “Go and Get Over.” I feel this one to my bones. It’s got so much soul, so much raw passion, so much honesty. It’s also so perfectly measured, without vocal acrobatics and unnecessary frills.

“This song developed really organically for me,” recounted Sannia. “I was actually driving home late one night and just sort of started singing the first words that came to mind to keep myself awake … ‘Go And Get Over’ is about literally just that, the cyclical process of moving on from someone while at the same time reminiscing on everything that was and what it’s become now, which I think a lot of people can relate to. You almost go through these sort of seven stages of grief – leaving them, missing them, going back, getting hurt, and trying to exact change – it takes its toll.”

Sannia will celebrate the release of “Go and Get Over” with an intimate show for hometown fans at the Wesley Anne on July 13.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR