“Go With the River” – Owls of the Swamp

Ordinarily when I set about reviewing an album I listen to it with a notepad beside me. I take copious notes about my thoughts as the music washes over me, and then I somehow piece them all together to create my review. But not this time. As I listened to Go With River, the brand new album from Owls of the Swamp, my notepad lay untouched.

Perhaps that’s going to make reviewing the album a bit harder, but I know why it happened. This is a CD that demands to be listened to. Its music was too beautiful for me to be distracted by analysis and dissection. I was just too busy enjoying it.

I shouldn’t be surprised. I was bowled over by the song “So Far Away” on its release, and I’m just as impressed by this recording. It’s more of that organic, honest music driven by gorgeous lyrics, acoustic guitars and a few well-placed strings. “Skywaters” is my current favorite tune; Aluka’s ethereal voice is the ideal foil for Owls sf the Swamp’s own, and the combination is bittersweet and incredibly moving. But this isn’t an album of obvious singles. Its tunes are much subtler, gently woven together to create an album of real beauty.

Sadly that means Go With River will be overlooked by many people. They won’t hear the songs on the radio or see Owls of the Swamp featured in their favorite magazines, and so they’ll never come across it. But I implore you to seek it out. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Image source: Owls of the Swamp Bandcamp page