Good Lekker Drop New Bop, “Show I Care”

Good Lekker are bringing the summer vibes with their dancetastic new single “Show I Care.” It’s an absolute charmer which is sure to get your toes tapping, at the very least!

“I tried to keep the lyrics as simple as possible in ‘Show I Care’,” vocalist Joshua Fahy explained. “To an extent, I want listeners to be able to imbed their own meaning into the song, however they relate to it. Context is impossible to escape when writing, however. This song reflects me, in my mid-20s, unsure of what comes next in life. It’s about dragging others along for the ride while goals dissipate and past dreams begin to look foreign to yourself. It’s about the transience of friendship as everyone moves on to different stages of life and the difficulties of keeping in touch. It’s about trying to glue all these parts into a half-decent collage and loving what you make. Take your pick for what appeals to you.”

The Eora/Sydney band will hit the road this May with shows in all the East Coast capitals. May might seem like a long way off, but it’ll be here before you know it. Put these dates in your calendar so you don’t miss out!

20 May 2023 – Lady Hampshire, Eora/Sydney
26 May 2023 – The Workers Club, Naarm/Melbourne
27 May 2023 – O’Skulligans, Meeanjin/Brisbane

Image used with permission from Good Intent

Good Lekker Releases Retro Single, “Pretty Boys”

If you love all things ‘80s, you’ll appreciate the retro vibe of Good Lekker’s latest single “Pretty Boys”. It’s a synthy pop-rock banger that will have you busting out those old-school dance moves before you know it.

“‘Pretty Boys’ is our reflection on narcissists and their impact on those around them,” the Sydney band explained. “It quietly frowns at those who continually seek to benefit themselves at the expense of others. By going after these people, we hope to motivate ourselves and others to interact with one another in more healthy ways and, ultimately, create awareness through our music and shows.”

Good Lekker expands on the theme with their fantastic new music video, which was shot across Sydney and Wollongong with director Nicholas Isaksson. The clip highlights the narcissistic stereotype with its two protagonists.

“Their relationship throughout the film highlights the ups and downs that many people have with partners, friends and family,” the band added. “We see that these events shouldn’t define us nor stop us from moving on with our lives. The film clip inspired the meaning and the lyrics of the track. Nicholas came to us with the storyline, and then we wrote the song; usually, it’s the other way round. This was a challenge when it came to re-writing the song in the studio and keeping the message coherent.”

Good Lekker are currently travelling all around the East Coast and Tassie supporting local legends Shag Rock and British India. You can still catch them at the following venues:

17 June 2022 – Crowbar, Sydney (supporting British India)
18 June 2022 – Uni Bar, Wollongong (supporting British India)
24 June 2022 – Miami Marketta, Gold Coast (supporting Shag Rock)
25 June 2022 – The Triffid, Brisbane (supporting Shag Rock)
26 June 2022 – Eleven Dive Bar, Maroochydore (supporting Shag Rock)
2 July 2022 – Altar, Hobart (supporting Shag Rock)

Image used with permission from Good Intent

Good Lekker Releases Awesome New Single, “Belligerence”

Start your day off right with “Belligerence,” the latest track from Wollongong indie-rockers Good Lekker. I love the contrast of the fresh, boppy instrumentation with those cutting lyrics. Make sure you take a break from the dancing to listen to them, because they are absolutely stellar.

“The song is inspired by a real-world run-in with a character that no one wants to deal with. An arms-crossed, explosive ball of masculine narcissism,” explained co-frontman Joshua Fahy. “Because of its inspiration, the song aims to satirise and critique the caricature of a violent male – a person all too prevalent in our world. They’re not worth challenging on their own terms – because as an over-quoted author has said: ‘Never wrestle with a pig – you both get dirty, and the pig likes it.’ ‘Belligerence’ aims instead to highlight the absurdity of charging at life fists first. The message is generalisable to all those who are insecure enough to resort immediately to violence and aggression when challenged or confronted.”

In case you didn’t catch the message the first time, Good Lekker are about to drop “Don’t Be a Dickhead” T-shirts. You can get one at one of the band’s upcoming shows. Catch them supporting Bootleg Rascal or headlining their own gigs really soon. Here are all the dates you need!

17 February 2022 – La La La’s, Wollongong (with Bootleg Rascal)
18 February 2022 – Oxford Art Factory, Sydney (with Bootleg Rascal)
24 February 2022 – The Leadbeter Hotel, Melbourne
26 February 2022 – O’Skulligans, Brisbane
4 March 2022 – Vic on the Park, Sydney
26 March 2022 – Red Steer Hotel, Wagga Wagga
2 April 2022 – Yours & Owls Festival, Wollongong

Image used with permission from Good Intent