Supergroup Harves Drops Superb Sophomore Single, “The River”

When talents like Matthew Wright (The Getaway Plan frontman) and Samuel K Sproull (Japanese Wallpaper and Montgomery engineer) make music together, you know magic will happen. As duo Harves, their debut single “Do Your Worst” passed me by, but I’m firmly on board their bandwagon now I’ve heard their latest effort “The River.”

This track gave me chills. The layered vocals are so haunting and the groove is just mesmerising. It’s so incredibly cool, with some of the most poetic lyrics I’ve heard in some time.

“It’s a bit of a metaphor about being creatures of habit, good and bad. About not making changes even though you know what you need to do and hoping that one day the answer will present itself,” the duo explained in their press release. “In our case specifically, I guess that answer was to start releasing some songs and let that dictate change.”

If “The River” has hooked you too, rest assured that there’s more where that came from. The lads from Harves have been working on putting the finishing touches on more new material which we can expect to hear later this year.

Image used with permission from Beehive PR