“Our Horse is Dead” – Heartbreak Club

After watching hours of devastating news footage from Queensland floods, I wanted a pick-me-up. After looking at the cover of Heartbreak Club’s Our Horse is Dead, with its whipped My Little Pony-esque cartoon, I knew that album was just what I needed.

And so on an afternoon where so much is going wrong in the world outside, I lapped up Heartbreak Club’s feel-good blend of pop and punk. There’s a lot of artists blending those genres in the industry these days, but Heartbreak Club certainly creates tunes that are a cut above the rest. It’s really intelligent stuff, with a few literary references waiting for those willing to listen to a lyric, and an intriguing willingness to experiment with genre.

That eclecticism is hinted at in the opener “Are You Leaving Me?” Its boisterous brass called to mind old school ska bands like the Mighty Mighty Bosstones and They Might Be Giants. But Our Horse is Dead really hits its strides with “Viva La Mala Fortuna,” a rollicking, fist-pumping ball of sunshine and synthesisers.

From this point the album which was enjoyable, if a little run of the mill, really kicks in. Heartbreak Club begin to show us what they can do, displaying the originality and depth which separates them from their contemporaries. “Depths Unseen” is a real revelation, a quirky confession of love with stirring strings, brass, the works. If you’re going to profess such intense emotions, why not do it in grand style? The stripped back treatment and playful lyrics makes the endearing “Jeepers!” another highlight.

With Our Horse is Dead Heartbreak Club delivers an album which is always solid, and often great. Listening to it makes you feel good, but it’d be a mistake to dismiss these guys as just another formulaic pop-punk act.

Heartbreak Club Sign with Centrifuge

Heartbreak Club’s 2011 is off to a great start after signing with Centrifuge Music Publishing Group.

Centrifuge isn’t one of the big names in the Australian industry, but it boasts an impressive roster featuring Noiseworks, Sierra Fin, Artisan Guns, and The Never Ever. Surely joining a relatively small label will see Heartbreak Club’s talent nurtured on a really personal level.

Heartbreak Club say they plan to release one more single from their debut album Our Horse is Dead early this year before knuckling down to write their next disc. Watch this space for more details on that!

Image used with permission from AAA Entertainment

Q & A With Teddy from Heartbreak Club

Heartbreak Club is back, with a new single ‘Are You Leaving Me?’ hitting stores in September and their debut album on the way. To celebrate, the lads will give their fans a sneak peek of the new songs at shows around the country. I recently caught up with the band’s lead singer to chat about the tour, the single, and what comes next.

You’re heading back on the road again to promote your new single and forthcoming album. Are you looking forward to road testing your new material?
Actually, we road-tested the new material before we went into the studio with a regional mini-tour of places we didn’t make it to on our last national tour. The experience was really beneficial as we got a lot of feedback (both directly from fans, and also from general reception and spontaneous reactions). We felt that having already bounced the songs off of a live audience we could arrange them appropriately in the studio, rather than record the album first and then regret the arrangements if/when people thought they sucked.

The short answer however is we’re absolutely champing at the bit, as it were, to get back on the road an tour the new material

You’re touring for a massive nine weeks this time. How on earth do you amuse yourself travelling all over the country for that long?
You know, I really don’t know how to quantify that fully! I mean, the nine-weeks-on-road thing says it all. Are we stupid? Are we stubborn? (Probably a little of column A, a little of column B). Playing a good show to a responsive crowd is always ‘enough amusement.’ That and each tour we do, we try and get to at least a couple of places we’ve never played or been before.

What do you miss most when you’re on the road for an extended period?
Depends what kind of travelling we’re doing, but usually it’s in a van, so we miss our own beds and not having to constantly have the aroma of dudes around you.

You’re playing plenty of capital cities and regional centres in that time. Are there any places you’re particularly excited about visiting?
We’re headed to Townsville and Cairns, which is the furthest north we’re been before, so that’s grouse. Also, regional Victoria we haven’t explored enough of yet, so I’m looking forward to the Warrnambool gig.
Continue reading “Q & A With Teddy from Heartbreak Club”

Q & A with Teddy from Heartbreak Club

With their new release O Tempora! O Mores! Heartbreak Club has created one of the most addictive EPs I’ve heard in a long time. The five songs are the perfect blend of punk, pop, and rock music. The tunes are accessible but the clever quirky lyrics ensure these tunes stay left of the mainstream.

I want my readers to hear these songs, so make sure you read on to find out how you can score one of three copies of this brilliant EP. But first, I caught up with Heartbreak Club singer Teddy. Here’s what he had to say about this release, life on the road, and what 2009 holds for this fantastic Aussie act.

You worked with Ed Rose (Motion City Soundtrack, The Get Up Kids) and Anthony The (The Vines, Youth Group) on O Tempora! O Mores! What did they bring to the recording?
An amazing cross-pollination of Australian rock and American production sensibilities. Ed totally got what the band was about, and in addition to pulling and mixing some huge sounds, he worked us really hard to extract our best performances. Ed was crucial in making the CD accessible to a broad audience and radio, while not compromising the tongue-in-cheek nature of the project.

This is your second EP, and I’ve got to say five songs just doesn’t seem long enough. When can we expect a Heartbreak Club album?
We’re talking to Ed about flying him out for a month or so in early 2009. We would be looking at releasing the new album, which is almost completely written, in August-September 2009. It will have at least 12 tracks, as we totally agree, 5 tracks is just not enough!

This EP has such a great energy. How do you manage to keep those songs sounding so fresh after months on the road?
Live audiences always keep the songs fresh, particularly with all the new faces in the crowds this tour! Sure it may sound non-rock to say so, but I want people to like us – and that means we have to have the energy and freshness at every live show. Bands have gotta earn a crowd, y’know?

You’re in the middle of a national tour at the moment. What do you love most about playing live?
When we win over people who have never seen us before. It usually takes about three songs before it ‘clicks’, but by the end of the set, if they are up and dancing then we’re pretty chuffed. Also spontaneous moments – we played in Canberra on the weekend, with a fill-in bass player (due to exceptional circumstances). We rehearsed for three hours, then played a show for a crowd that for the most part were not into our style of music. But then we got offered to play a set at The Phoenix next door, and despite being exhausted we said yes. It turned out to be one of the best shows on the tour – great reaction, dancers, singalongs, and a very eclectic crowd. Meeting people on tour is also another major incentive to playing live.

You recently played the Cruelty Free Living Festival in Sydney. Is this a cause close to your heart?
We’re a pretty non-political band, but we consider ourselves to be pretty ethical people. So lending our name to a cause that encourages ethical lifestyle choices is something we felt quite comfortable with. We are all ethical eaters in varying shades, so yes, the cause is something we give a lot of consideration to.

You’re doing plenty of all-ages shows as you travel around the country. How do the kids respond to your music?
The kids have been amazing! They dance, they sing. I’m just glad people are having fun. There’s too much overly serious music at the moment, and I think the kids appreciate the opportunity to – how do I say this without sounding lame(r) – “shake their booty,” “rock out,” you get my drift!

Are there any crazy tour stories you can share?
Ha! There’s many tour stories I could share, but I fear being ostracised from the rest of my band mates. “What happens on tour, stays on tour” as they say. Many of the stories involve Grimace, our tour mascot, but you’d have to ask us at a show about Grimace!

What’s on your Christmas wish list?
I’ve actually been able to block out Christmas so far, and not given it any thought. Setting aside the commercialisation of it all, it reminds me of companionship, family, love and happiness – all the things that have been so absent from my life the past few years. As such, I try and keep it blocked out. Or something.

What does 2009 hold for Heartbreak Club?
A new album! Also there will be at least two Australian tours. We are enjoying getting around Australia so much! It was kinda weird that until this tour, we’d seen more of the USA (from our 2007 tour there) than Australia. Indeed, the next tour we’re locking in many more regional towns and distant places, as they often have the most unique and rewarding shows.

Do you have a message for Oz Music Scene readers?
Not really. I’d end up sounding preachy, or something. Hmm, perhaps to learn from my mistakes – like don’t say a former lover’s name in bed, because it gets really, really awkward … is that publishable?

So how do I get my hands on a copy of Heartbreak Club’s O Tempora! O Mores! I hear you ask? It’s simple! Just leave a comment on this post and tell me why you’d like to add this EP to your collection.

Make sure you leave your e-mail address (this won’t be posted publicly) so I can get in touch with you if you win. Entries close at 5 pm AEST on November 28, and I’ll announce the winners on Saturday November 29.

In the meantime, if you’re in New South Wales, Victoria, or South Australia it’s not too late to catch Heartbreak Club on their O Tempora! O Mores! tour. Here are the remaining dates!

22 November 2008 – Armidale Club (18+)
23 November 2008 – Greenhouse Tavern, Coffs Harbour (18+)
27 November 2008 – National Hotel, Geelong (18+)
29 November 2008 – Fist to Face, Ringwood (All ages)
30 November 2008 – The Tote, Fitzroy (18+)
2 December 2008 – Ruby’s Lounge, Belgrave (18+)
5 December 2008 – Crown & Anchor, Adelaide (18+)
6 December 2008 – The Underground, Adelaide (All ages)
18 December 2008 – Queen’s Wharf Brewery, Newcastle

Image used with permission from AAA Entertainment