Broads Stun With “I Fed the Horse”

I urge you to take a few minutes out of your day to listen to “I Fed the Horse,” the latest track from Melbourne indie darlings Broads. This isn’t one of those songs that should serve as the background to your housework or holiday socialising. It’s the kind of single that should really be listened to, with complete and utter attention.

Crooning vocals are one of Broads’ trademarks, but the sublime harmonies on this track are some of the best I’ve heard. They wring every inch of emotion from this song. They anchor the song, drawing you in so that by the powerful climax, you’re totally invested.

“I started writing ‘I Fed The Horse’ with just a feeling in mind. Or a lack of feeling – an emptiness, a detachment from everyone around me. For a while I was worried something inside was incurably broken. Of course, I’ve come to realise this was not the case. But such a feeling can be drawn out of you by its own strong will, and the song seemed to just grow into itself.”

“I Fed the Horse” is the second single lifted from Broads’ sophomore album, which will be released early next year.

Image used with permission from Heapsaflash