“I’ll Take Care of Myself If You Take Care of Yourself” – Patrick James

I read a meme on Facebook the other day which said something along the lines of “I’m sick of living inside an interesting part of next century’s history books.” Switch on the news right now and you’re confronted by images of the war in Ukraine, widespread flooding in Queensland and New South Wales, not to mention that pesky pandemic that won’t seem to quit. Music can be a great escape during challenging times, so it’s only fitting that Patrick James’ sophomore album I’ll Take Care of Myself If You Take Care of Yourself drops today. If you want music to take your mind off all the heavy stuff, this is it.

The opening track “Where Will I Be?” explodes in a shimmery pop rainbow. From those initial drum beats, you know you’re in for a good time. There’s a gentle acceptance that we don’t know what the future holds, but hopefully we’ll be with the ones we love. Those human connections are an ever-present theme, whether we’re bopping along to upbeat tunes like this or enjoying the folky quiet of ballads like the recent single “Into Your Arms” and the poignant piano pieces, “Grateful” and “I Am Your Brother.” The songs instantly endeared themselves to me, but I found myself falling a little deeper with each listen. Maybe it’s because those repeated listens drive home the lyrics which are really like modern poetry. I was especially struck by “16 Hours (Into the City),” which retells the story of a teen, hungover Patrick attempting to make his way back to Sydney on a CountryLink train. It’s unflinchingly honest, full of the wisdom that often comes when you’re looking back on your less than stellar moments. I love the way it captures a moment in time so vividly, ensuring it will now live eternally through the song. Closing with the title track brings the album full circle. Its feelgood synthy pop vibe sound and smart lyrics make it the ideal bookend for “Where Will I Be?” ensuring we’ve all got smiles on our faces as the music fades out.

I’ll Take Care of Myself If You Take Care of Yourself is like a big warm hug at a time when many of us need it most. There’s a beautiful sweetness to the songs, a little romance, and a whole lot of heart. Patrick is wasting no time taking them to the people. You can catch him at one of the following venues in the coming weeks.

10 March 2022 – Leadbeater, Melbourne
12 March 2022 – The Great Club, Sydney
19 March 2022 – Mortimer’s Wines, Orange
25 March 2022 – Moonee Beach Hotel, Moonee Beach Hotel
27 March 2022 – La Costa Cantina, Crescent Head
13 April 2022 – Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane

Images used with permission from GYRO PR