“Inner Western” – Dan Lethbridge

When I receive an album for review, I always try to give the whole thing at least one spin. I know that it might take time for the music to gel with me, and that the first songs aren’t always the ones I connect with. This morning, while listening to Inner Western, the new album from Dan Lethbridge, I was really glad of the policy.

The album opens with a single, “It All Will Start To Splinter.” Opening with a single is usually a great way to hook a listener in. However, while I appreciated the poetry of the lyrics, it just didn’t click for me. I enjoyed the more melodic alt-country tracks that followed, but I still wasn’t hooked. Then I heard “Wait Another Day.” It’s one of those songs that stops you in your tracks. With gentle violins and such tenderness, that was the song that got me.

After hearing “Wait Another Day” I figured it was worth giving Inner Western another listen. I found I appreciated the tracks that much more. I responded to the romantic warmth of “I Want You With Me.” “Everybody Says,” a dreamy duet with The Audreys’ Taasha Coates is another standout. The old school jazz club vibe of the closing track “Do No Harm” is also really special.

Dan has a real knack for storytelling through his songs. They’re not the most polished pieces, and his voice isn’t the strongest, but there’s a great beauty in his words that really resonated with me. The simple music arrangements punctuated by a slide guitar here, some strings there, support the songs beautifully.

Inner Western might be a slow burner, but it’s an album which rewards the patient listener. Dan Lethbridge will treat hometown fans to its songs at the Melbourne launch at Shadow Electric on October 10.