Q & A with Let The Cat Out’s Jane McArthur

Hobart-based groovesters Let The Cat Out are currently taking Australia by storm as they tour the country in support of “Lee Roy,” the first single from their debut album. Lead vocalist Jane McArthur recently took some time out to chat to Sounds of Oz about the tour, the album, and the wonders of the Hammond organ.

You’re in the middle of one of your biggest Australian tours. How’s it going for you?

The tour is going really well so far. We’ve had dates in Hobart and Melbourne. The standout gigs have been at the Royal Botanical Gardens concert in Hobart and probably the Transport Hotel in Federation Square in Melbourne – great crowds and great vibes.

What can people expect from your live show?

The funk, the blues, some soul, a massive amount of love and energy, tunes to sit back and listen to, tunes that hit your dancing nerve to get up and boogie to and the chance to take us home in the form of a complimentary CD, for the small convenience fee of $25!!

What do you love most about being on stage?

The feeling of being part of a group of five people who are creating something, weaving some energy together to create a vibe, the feeling you get when a crowd is loving what you’re giving and just the excitement of being part of live music! Music is a language that transcends all boundaries, and it’s pretty special to be able to speak that language.

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