Lamalo Releases Brilliant New Single “Jungle Train”

It can be hard to find your groove on Mondays, but the new track from Sydney-based producers Lamalo should help you out. “Jungle Train” is an exciting new single, complete with ethereal flutes and angelic vocals from Little Green. It’s so original, with elements of jazz and EDM combining in such a unique way.

“’Jungle Train’ is about freedom and empowerment. It’s about feeling trapped in our day to day lives and slowly breaking down the barriers to become the people we really want to be. It’s about realising who we really are and not hiding anymore,” Lamalo explained. “I think that the recent pandemic has also made a lot of people realise what is actually important to them. Having space from our daily routine has helped us discover who we are inside.”

I love how this sounds, but it also makes me wish I could experience it with a sweaty crowd embracing its groove. Lamalo has played with big names like The Kite String Tangle and Midnight Pool Party and wowed crowds at boutique festivals including Rabbits Eat Lettuce and Red Deer Arts and Music Festival. Hopefully it’s not too long before they’re doing all that again soon!

Image used with permission from Good Intent