“Independent Discover Volume 2” – Sounds on the Couch

The early days of the COVID-19 pandemic both isolated us, as we were stuck in our homes, and brought us closer together as a global community. We were all in the same boat, desperate for some connection, and relationships were formed and nurtured across the miles. Sounds on the Couch was just one of the exciting initiatives to come out of that time. Naarm/Melbourne-based singer-songwriter Karen Harding launched Sounds on the Couch in April 2020 to support and promote independent and emerging artists at home and around the world. Unlike so many pandemic initiatives, it’s still going strong. Sounds on the Couch recently launched its latest digital compilation, Independent Discovery Volume 2.

Independent Discovery Volume 2 celebrates and showcases the diverse range of talent uncovered by Sounds on the Couch. This album takes you on a rollercoaster ride, from the flirty country-pop of Sophia Petro’s “Rose Glow” to the hard rock of Flint.’s “Stop.” Along the way we’re treated to acoustic folk, new wave, blues, and everything in between. Most artists hail from Australia, but musicians from Belgium, the United States, and Germany are also represented. It’s so exciting listening to all these new voices coming together on this album.

Because it’s so eclectic, it might not all be to your taste. It definitely wasn’t mine. But that’s not a bad thing. Art is polarising. It’s not meant for everyone. But like me, I also hope you’ll find a few new favourites among these songs. Consider Independent Discovery Volume 2 a springboard for learning about excellent independent artists that may have otherwise gone under your radar.

Image used with permission from Rise Indie

Karen Harding Starts Releasing Songs From Debut EP

Karen Harding has already released six singles, and there’s plenty more on the way. Today marks the release of “I’ve Got a Secret,” the title track of her debut EP. I think this haunting number might be Karen’s best yet. I love the dramatic instrumentation, which adds an extra level to her haunting vocals. Written during last year’s lockdowns, it explores the fear and anxiety so many of us experience when we let ourselves be vulnerable.

Karen will drop one track from the EP every month until all four songs are out in the world in October. You can purchase the EP in digital or EP forms through her Bandcamp page.

Image used with permission from Karen Harding

Karen Harding Releases Uplifting New Single, “Something Special”

Karen Harding’s latest single “Something Special” is the musical pep talk all of us need from time to time. Karen’s fourth single and her first self-produced song, it’s written from the perspective of a conversation with someone who can’t see how valuable or special they really are. That might be another person, but I think it also works well as an inner monologue. Either way, it might just give you the confidence you need to face the day.

“Christmas Day 2021, I was unwell and missed all the festivities. Instead, I was able to spend the day creating the 16-layer song ‘Something Special’,” said Karen of the song’s development. “I wanted to portray a sense of freedom and gratitude within the song and felt that nothing felt more like freedom than the sound of the ocean waves rolling in. If you listen carefully, you can hear this subtly throughout the song.”

Listen out for more from Karen really soon as she prepares to release a new EP in the coming months.

Image used with permission from Karen Harding

Karen Harding Releases Powerful Pandemic Plea, “I Heard Somebody Talking”

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best and worst of human behaviour. So often I’ve found myself shaking my head at the actions of others. Singer-songwriter Karen Harding has channelled the frustration many of us have felt into her latest single “I Heard Somebody Talking,” a song inspired by anti-mask rallies.

“The beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic was an emotive and scary time for everyone. I was sitting, watching the news about an anti-mask rally, when a man ran across the screen. I immediately sat down at my piano and wrote a song about what I would have liked to say to this man … how he would feel if his decisions led to his family becoming unwell,” she explained.

Producer Joshua Hennessy ensures Karen’s pure vocals and powerful words really shine on this release. She might be relatively new on the scene, but she has a long musical history, learning piano from age six and taking singing lessons from 14. She played in a covers duo in her early 20s, but has just begun finding her own voice.

“It wasn’t until Covid-19 began that I really had the space to see what was possible with my music,” she explained. “I had the opportunity in lockdown, to speak with musicians and music industry experts through my platform, Sounds On The Couch, and as a result, I am now honoured to be sharing my own music with the world.”

If you want to keep up to date with Karen’s musical journey, make sure you follow her Facebook page.

Image used with permission from Karen Harding