Katie Thorne Releases Fabulous New Single, “Hate Your Girlfriend”

Have you ever met that person who’d be absolutely perfect for you, except for that small matter of their partner? If you have, Katie Thorne’s new single “Hate Your Girlfriend” is for you. The title prepares you for an angsty punk or rock track, but Katie prefers to keep her anger just simmering below the surface with this cool jazz number.

“IHYG was written as a kind of self-exorcism to placate my very own green-eyed monster – you know, say the bad thing out loud and then maybe it won’t feel so big,” Katie explained. “I’ve always been drawn to music that portrays the flawed woman who feels pain.”

Whether you’re going through your own mess right now or feeling nostalgic about the crushes of the past, crank this one up and I swear you’ll feel better.

Image used with permission from The PR Files