Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas Sounds of Oz readers! While many of us are sweltering in the Southern Hemisphere, we’re also conscious of the Winter Wonderland our loved ones enjoy on the other side of the planet. Local indie-pop artist Katie Wighton celebrates the different ways we celebrate the season with her latest single “Other Side of the World.” I love the way this track has an old-timey festive feel despite its references to modern traditions like playing backyard cricket and listening to Paul Kelly.

“I wrote Other Side of the World with my friend Kai during the height of summer in Nashville last year. It was absolutely sweltering and my friends back in Australia were freezing. It got me thinking about how differently we Australians experience things in the land “down under”…!” Katie said. “Our Christmases are usually hot – with Paul Kelly on the radio and pavlova and an esky full of beer (you might have to Google what an esky is…) And every Christmas song or movie I’d ever seen always had these Christmases full of snowmen and ice storms and someone drinking cocoa in the “den”. So we sat down and brainstormed all of the quintessential things about our respective Christmases and this is where we ended up! I really hope this song conjures up the nostalgia I feel every Christmas – on the other side of the world.”

I hope no matter how you’re celebrating the holidays, this song brings you a little cheer.

Photo credit: Studio Sarah Lou @ Flickr

Katie Wighton Releases Smashing Single “Without You” Ahead of Solo Debut

Katie Wighton drops her debut solo album The End in just a couple of days’ time, but I just couldn’t resist giving you guys a little sneak peek. Her current single “Without You” is just so good, that I don’t want to risk it getting lost in all the other tunes. Although if you’re like me, hearing it will make you pretty excited about tomorrow’s release.

“This is definitely my favourite on the album,” Katie said of “Without You.” “It’s deeply personal and it still feels so real even when I listen to it now. When my partner and I split up, I remember missing him so much and thinking ‘I’m better off without you – I floss my teeth now, I don’t drink so much – we weren’t even that happy together towards the end … So why on earth do I miss you so much?!’ When you break up with someone, you become supremely irrational – remembering the good as even better than it was and the bad as not so bad. He and I became such better people because we broke up. We were more independent. Happier. But we still missed each other so much. Our hearts are funny little things aren’t they? (Spoiler alert: we did end up getting back together now and couldn’t be happier!)”

I really enjoyed Katie’s music with All Our Exes Live in Texas, but I think her solo stuff resonates even more with you. If you agree, remember to give The End a listen on June 2. You’ll also want to get yourself to the launch shows in the East Coast capitals.

8 July 2023 – Longplay, Naarm/Melbourne
13 July 2023 – The Great Club, Eora/Sydney
23 July 2023 – Black Bear Lodge, Meeanjin/Brisbane