“Roof Raisers” – Keith!Party

I mentioned when I reviewed Class A’s album Me, Me, Me & Him: The Secret Life of a Receptionist last month that I don’t listen to a lot of rap. Since then more music of this genre has been passing my desk and changing the way I think about rap. The latest is Roof Raisers, the sophomore album of Melbourne’s Keith!Party.

The name is pretty appropriate. This is the kind of album that you’d put on at your next bash to make sure everyone’s dancing and having a good time. It works as a cohesive unit rather than a collection of disparate songs, taking you from crazy floor fillers to songs that are a bit smoother and sexier.

Adding to the party atmosphere is a host of special guest artists. This is nothing new for a rap album, but here it seems less about proving who you know than creating that celebratory vibe.

I love the old school naughtiness of “Sexy is What People Call HD” and the chilled out ambience of “Miracle Flow.” At more than six minutes the closer “The K-Team” drags a bit, but considering the group claims to be the last ones to leave the party perhaps that’s appropriate!

Roof Raisers has a fun, positive vibe with clever lyrics that are definitely worth listening out for. It’s available now through the band’s MySpace page, but will officially launch in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane soon, so keep reading Sounds of Oz for all those details.