Latchy Gets Steamy With “Jacuzzi”

Winter’s chill might be setting in early across Australia, but never fear. Latchy has raised the temperature a few degrees with his sexy new single, “Jacuzzi.”

“’Jacuzzi’ is a fun, slow, and sultry RnB jam, about throwing secret parties at your parents’ house, sneaking people over to take advantage of their spa and desperately trying to play it cool with the girl of your dreams,” Latchy explained.

The lyrics take me back to the ‘90s with their sexy swagger, but this track’s sound is totally fresh. If you’re into acts like The Weeknd and Frank Ocean, you’ll love this one.

Image used with permission from Latchy

Latchy Brighten Up Back-to-Work Tuesday With “Just Call”

Going back to work after a long weekend is never easy, but Sydney’s Latchy is here to make your day a little brighter with his new synth-pop gem, “Just Call.”

I’m getting serious Passion Pit and LANY vibes from this feelgood track. Latchy originally conceived it as a break-up song, but somewhere along the line it morphed into a poignant love letter to Australia. After working for an airline for several years, Latchy knows all too well the emotions that can come with leaving this beautiful country of ours time and time again!

2019 is set to be a big year from Latchy, with several singles in the pipeline and, if we’re really lucky, a tour.

Image used with permission from GD FRNDS