The X Factor Pays Tribute to Legends

After enduring more dance songs than I cared to last week, I was happy to watch The X Factor contestants singing songs from music legends tonight.

Johnny Ruffo kicked things off with Stevie Wonder’s “Sir Duke.” I’ve been pretty hard on Johnny in recent weeks, but I’ve never heard him sounding better. Finally the vocals matched his pretty boy looks and dance moves. I’ve had him doomed to the bottom two for weeks now, but this time I’m not so sure.

I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the idea of Andrew Wishart singing “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” But this guy can really do no wrong. It doesn’t matter what he’s given; he nails it vocally and I believe every word he sings. That’s all he needs to do, and he does it consistently.

Declan Sykes shook up The Beatles “Help,” and when it came out the other end I just didn’t like it. I still like him and what he stands for, but when you take risks some of them just won’t pay off. I don’t think the treatment worked, and in some places his vocals suffered from all that jumping around. The judges might have liked it, but it just wasn’t my cup of chai.

Three Wishez has blown me away in recent weeks, so I was a bit disappointed by their take on Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight.” I certainly didn’t hate it, but it didn’t reach the dizzy heights of their past couple of performances. Perhaps they set the bar too high too early?

I was nervous when I heard Reece Mastin was taking on Celine Dion. I was much happier to hear that really he was covering Eric Carmen. Either way, his version of “All By Myself” allowed us to see a vulnerability he doesn’t often show. He didn’t always nail the vocals, but I think he hit the notes that counted. He didn’t get glowing reviews, but I still liked this.

There was a lot of like tonight and not a lot of love. I wasn’t blown away, and actually think Johnny Ruffo’s performance was the strongest. What a topsy-turvy night! Given all that, I’m not even going to guess who’ll be in the bottom two tomorrow night. What do you think?