Darren Middleton Goes Solo

Bernard Fanning isn’t the only former member of Powderfinger eying solo success. Darren Middleton’s also having a crack with his new single “Let Go”.

I really love this track. It’s deceptively simple, with heartfelt delivery and an awesome philosophy. It’s clear that the time Darren’s taken to release his first solo number was well spent.

“It has been two and half years now since we parted ways and the final chords rang
out as our Powderfinger tour concluded,” Darren explained. 
”Initially I intended to get straight back on
the horse to write, record and perform … all
 the things I have loved so much over the 
years, but it wasn’t to be that way for quite 
some time. I knew that I loved writing and
 making music, I just didn’t feel it straight 
away … I didn’t feel I had anything to write
 about. As time moved on, I found myself
 dealing with a lot of emotions I hadn’t 
planned on and there were some bumpy
 seas for myself and those close to me.
 From that though, arose Translations, my 
first solo album.”

Translations is scheduled to hit stores on November 1. If this song’s any indication, it’s going to be pretty special.