Q & A with Josh Pyke

After wowing crowds with his Lone Wolf tour earlier this year, Josh Pyke is set to do it all again with a regional run. I caught up with Josh ahead of the shows to talk about what he loves about performing, his latest album The Beginning and the End of Everything, and everyone’s favourite ’80s toy, Viewmasters!

1.    You’re just about to head off on an extension of your Lone Wolf tour. What made you want you want to extend this current leg of dates?
The first round of this tour was so overwhelmingly successful that I really wanted to take it out to regional areas. I’ve always focused on doing regional shows, but this feels like another level, going into more theater style venues. I’m really looking forward to it.

2.    I noticed you’re playing quite a few all ages shows on this run as well. How do they compare with the pub gigs?
They’re great! AA shows are hard to get off the ground sometimes, so it was great to see that the regional venues were set up and willing accommodate all ages shows. The kids that come to my shows are pretty cool and always handle themselves well at gigs so it’s not that wildly different from a normal show, except I feel heaps older!

3.    It seems like you’re always out on the road. How do you keep things feeling fresh when you’re playing so many shows?
You have to do something different every time. For every album I’ve done, I’ve made sure that my tours have incorporated something I haven’t done before. I’ve had string sections, rearranged heaps of songs to have different instrumentation, full band shows, solo shows, collaborations shows … Whatever it is, it needs to offer not only new songs, but new ways of presenting old songs, so people have a reason to come back.

4.    Clearly you must love being on stage. What’s your favourite thing about that?
It’s like the only time in my life that I’m totally in the moment. “Real life” is filled with conflicting things happening all the time, and you have to split your brain up to keep up with everything. But when I’m doing a show, I’m right there in the moment with the audience, and it’s a great feeling. Immediate and intimate and engaged. I love it.

5.    I’m sure fans will hear plenty of old favourites at these shows, but it must also be exciting for you to showcase your newer stuff from The Beginning and the End of Everything. What’s your favourite track to play live from that album and why?
“White Lines Dancing” is great to play solo. I use a loop pedal to add percussion and a piano line, and it just builds really well. Playing solo lets me muck around with the arrangements and dynamics of the song, and that works really well in that song.

6.    I read that you felt this album is actually your best. Why is that?
I just think it’s my most developed and most accomplished. I love every song on it, and it’s the only album I’ve made that I can actually listen to at home. I’m super proud of all my output, but I especially think this record is just the best one I’ve done. Simple as that!

7.    As a child of the ‘ 80s I’ve been pretty intrigued by the Viewmasters you’re going to be selling as part of your tour pack. They make a nice change from T-shirts! What was the thought behind them?
Years ago a fantastic supporter of mine made me a Viewmaster with photos from a show she’d been at. I thought it was awesome and thought if I ever had a chance to do something like that based around a specific tour it’d be very cool. So this seemed like the perfect chance.

8.    You’re barely going to have time to unpack before you’re out on the road again touring with Chris Cheney, Phil Jamieson, and Tim Rogers as part of The Beatles’ White Album tribute. It’s been five years since you all got together to pay tribute to The Beatles. Are you excited to be doing it all again?
I am! I started practicing the songs again today actually, and it all flooded back to me what a great time we had. It was really nerve wracking the first time, and I’m sure there’ll be some anxiety again this time, but with another five years of performing under my belt I want it to be even better than the last one.

9.    And clearly the Beatles must be a big part of your musical DNA. What is it about their music that really resonates with you?
For me it’s always been the harmonies and production. All the quirky sounds, the arrangements, the technical details like the tape delays and panning in some songs, (due to mainly mixing in mono back then). That stuff still blows my mind and engages me to this day.

10. After that tour wraps up, what’s next for you?
I have a studio at home I’m planning on renovating and will start writing and demoing for another album! There’s also a few more projects I’m trying to get off the ground, but they won’t kick off til next year.

Catch Josh on his Lone Wolf tour at the following shows.

6 June 2014 – Montrose Town Centre, Montrose (ALL AGES)
7 June 2014 – The Memo, Healesville (ALL AGES)
13 June 2014 – Fannie Bay Gaol, Darwin
15 June 2014 – Divers Tavern, Broome
20 June 2014 – Empire Church Theatre, Toowoomba (ALL AGES)
21 June 2014 – Majestic Theatre, Pomona (ALL AGES)
22 June 2014 – Byron Theatre, Byron Bay (ALL AGES)
25 June 2014 – Jetty Memorial Theatre, Coffs Harbour (ALL AGES)
26 June 2014 – Pier One @ Panthers, Port Macquarie
27 June 2014 – Manning Entertainment Centre, Taree (ALL AGES)
28 June 2014 – Cessnock Performing Arts Centre, Cessnock (ALL AGES)
5 July 2014 – Milton Theatre, Milton (ALL AGES)

Image used with permission from Remote Control Records