Ellesquire Ready to Rap

Ellesquire is stepping out from his group Loose Change for his first solo endeavour, Ready. After hearing the title track, I’ve got to say that I’m impressed.

I’m not always a fan of urban music, but Ellesquire’s old school approach has won me over. It recalls the hip hop acts of the 90s with its sampling and personal lyrics. He’s also got a really global sound, which I find interesting. So often Australian urban artists obviously sound like they’ve come from our streets with their slightly twangy accents, but Ellesquire could easily have hailed from anywhere. That universality might just be the key to him finding success on an international stage.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. For now we’ve got this tune, and the album to come on August 5.

Image used with permission from Other Tongues

Loose Change Launch Debut Album in Melbourne

They might hail from Sydney, but hip hop outfit Loose Change is heading down south to launch their self-titled debut album.

The disc combines laidback hook-laden beats, and honest emotive raps. With samples from jazz music, a splash of romance, and witty lyrics, these guys deliver hip hop that’s a cut above the average.

Loose Change will take the stage at Melbourne’s Miss Libertines on December 18 to celebrate the album’s release. It’s a bit of a belated party, as the complete album is actually available as a free download now from the Loose Change website. But it’s better late than never, right?

Image used with permission from Other Tongues