LOSER Drop Rocking New Single “The More I Know” Ahead of East Coast Tour

I’ve been really impressed watching Stadium Dreams On a Bedroom Budget, the new EP from LOSER, unfold. In case you missed it, these local rockers have opted to drop a new track every few weeks, giving us time to sit with each one, rather than just dumping them all at once. You might think that four tracks in the project might be losing steam, but the latest cut, “The More I Know” might just be my favourite. It’s giving me serious Foo Fighters stadium vibes. Crank it up and you’ll hear what I mean.

“After lockdown it was hard to get back to regular programming, I lost faith in playing music and I was questioning whether I wanted to do it anymore. Craig and I sat down and punched this song out in a day,” explained the band’s frontman, Tim Maxwell. “The lyrics are the most meaningful on the EP. It’s about getting out of that rut and wanting to succeed more than ever after spending so much creative energy trying to make ends meet.”

This would be a great time to let you know that LOSER will tour the East Coast in May to celebrate the release of Stadium Dreams On a Bedroom Budget. While you’re at the shows, you may be lucky enough to score one of the limited edition signed clear 12” vinyls. LOSER will randomly draw a ticket holder’s name in the middle of each set to score one of these babies, which are the only physical merch available for this release.

“Call it crazy, call it genius, call it something in between – either way we thought this was the best and coolest way to share something special for this EP with our fans,” the band said. “It’s a gift to the people who come to see us live and hopefully a cool collectible in the future as we won’t ever be pressing this release again in its current form. We’re yet to know if our signatures will actually de-value the vinyl or not.”

If you want one, you’re just going to have to get to one of these gigs!

4 May 2023 – Oxford Arts Factory Gallery Bar, Eora/Sydney
5 May 2023 – Cambridge Sideroom, Mulubinba/Newcastle
6 May 2023 – Dicey Riley’s, Woolyungah/Wollongong (FREE)
11 May 2023 – Vinnie’s Dive Bar, Yugambeh Country/Gold Coast
12 May 2023 – Black Bear Lodge, Meeajin/Brisbane
13 May 2023 – Northcote Social Club, Naarm/Melbourne

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Ian Laidlaw

LOSER Shows a Different Side With New Ballad, “Only One”

The music scene has been a little quiet as everyone’s taken time off for the festive season, so I’m pretty excited to hear my first great new release for the year. LOSER have just dropped “Only One”, their third song from their Stadium Dreams on a Bedroom Budget EP, and it continues the trend of quality releases from this alt-rock act.

It’s more of a ballad than the EP’s previous songs, but you could hardly accuse it of being gentle. If those powerful, heartfelt vocals don’t wake you up from your mid-afternoon slump, nothing will.

“The ballad of the EP, this song took ages to get right. We recorded it multiple times and I doubted it for a while but eventually, we got the right sound. ‘Only One’ is one of the first love songs I have written,” Tim Maxwell admitted. “No matter how many times you fuck up in life there will always be someone by your side to support you and give you hope.”

The music video sees the band playing live, giving fans a little taste of what they’re in for when they come to a LOSER show.

“We wanted all the music videos for the release to be live performances. This was to create a different reason to watch the video, because you are getting an actual live take audio performance and not the audio from the EP,” the band explained. “We also wanted to show people that we can actually play our own instruments. It’s funny that in 2023 that has become a point of difference, but we don’t wanna hide behind technology, because when it comes to performing we’re the real deal.”

You’ll get a chance to see LOSER playing live when they launch the single at Yah Yah’s in Naarm/Melbourne on February 17. The next track from their EP drops on February 24.

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Ian Laidlaw

LOSER Continue Hot Streak With “Hold On You”

LOSER’s EP Stadium Dreams on a Bedroom Budget is shaping up well with the release of their latest single “Hold On You”. This fabulous rock track is a worthy follow-up to last month’s release, “Heaven Can Wait”.

“This is probably my favourite song on the EP,” said frontman Tim Maxwell. “I started listening to heaps of Aerosmith and this song just fell out in one day. Usually the songs that take less effort are the ones I think are special because your consciousness is running in a way unlike any other. This song is about having a deep connection with another human being who you never want to let go of.”

LOSER will continue releasing songs from this EP every month or so, like episodes from an addictive Netflix series. If they’re as good as the ones that have already dropped, we’re in for a real treat.

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Ian Laidlaw

LOSER Drops First Taste of New EP, “Heaven Can Wait”

Before you hit play on LOSER’s new single “Heaven Can Wait,” hit that volume. Crank it. Trust me. This is one of those killer rock cuts that deserves to be played loud.

“This song was written back in 2019 and was intended to make it on our first album Mindless Joy. It felt like too much of a leap forward for the sound at the time but now it’s making its debut finally!” enthused the band’s frontman Tim Maxwell. “The song’s lyrics portray my feelings towards the fear of death and anxiety, back then I was an anxious wreck and always thought of the worst-case scenario in my head.”

“Heaven Can Wait” is the first track lifted from LOSER’s EP Stadium Dreams on a Bedroom Budget. Rather than dropping it all at once, LOSER is releasing each song individually right through until May 19 next year.

“The whole idea with this EP was to switch up how we’ve released music in the past,” the band explained. “We’ve always been a traditional album band, but this new EP felt like a fresh direction for us musically, so we thought it could be fun to try something a little different in the way we presented it. It’s not a collection of singles, it’s more like a Netflix TV series, where the entire body of work is designed to flow as a whole, but is presented piece by piece.”

Give LOSER follow on Spotify to make sure you don’t miss one! In addition to the songs, LOSER will also drop limited edition merc, exclusive live performance vids, and a special Golden Backstage Pass. Just like Willy Wonka’s golden tickets, this pass will be randomly inserted into one lucky merch buyer’s parcel. The lucky winner will get free tickets to any show LOSER headlines for life. Unless you’ve got the golden ticket, you’ll need to click the links to get tickets for the following shows:

12 November 2022 – Unibar, Tarntanya/Adelaide
17 November 2022 – Crowbar, Eora/Sydney

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Ian Laidlaw

“Restless Noise” – Loser

Loser creates the kind of rock music purists yearn for. It’s rough and ready, with fuzzy guitars, rebellious lyrics, and anthemic choruses that compel you to sing along and stamp your feet. Their first offering, Restless Noise, is a short and sweet EP. But with just five songs, they prove they’re a force to be reckoned with.

Of course, that should come as no surprise to anyone who knows about Loser’s pedigree. They might be a new band, but the members have served their time with Apart From This, Grim Rhythm, The Smith Street Band, and The Bennies. These guys know their shit.

“Phase Me,” one of two singles, kicks the EP off, introducing us to the band’s knack for crafting a killer riff. It’s an easy entry, not quite as aggressive as many of Loser’s songs, an accessible track that primes us for more. The title track goes a little harder, taking us but we’re ready for those hard-hitting drums and F-bombs now. “Vacation” eases the foot off the pedal a little bit, giving us a chance to catch our breath before another aural assault, the EP’s other stellar single, “Loser.” Final track “Some Say” takes us home. The choruses are gentle, but that chorus reminds us of just what these lads are capable of.

The guys from Loser already proved their talents with other bands, but put them together and magic happens. They’re creating the kind of killer alt-rock I haven’t heard since the ‘90s. These five tracks have me wanting more. Restless Noise is out now.

Image used with permission from Deathproof PR

Loser Back With Another Earworm, “Phase Me”

Loser prove they’re not one-trick ponies with the release of new single “Phase Me,” the follow-up to their self-titled debut.

“Phase Me” is not quite as aggressive as “Loser” but it’s every bit as addictive. Just try to get that riff out of your head. It’s a real alt-rock gem with a nostalgic ‘90s feel.

“Phase Me” is the latest cut from Loser’s forthcoming debut EP Restless Noise, which will be released on October 26.

Image used with permission from Deathproof PR

Rock Out With Loser

Strap yourself in for two-and-a-half minutes of blistering rock courtesy of Melbourne band Loser. Their debut single, also called “Loser” is a sucker punch of chunky guitar riffs and slacker lyrics that I find irresistible.

There’s a spontaneous energy about the band that might come because they’re a relatively new outfit. Frontman Tim Maxwell (Apart From This/Grim Rhythm) wrote the songs in late 2017 and got Chris Cowburn (The Smith Street Band) and Craig Selak (The Bennies) involved. Just three weeks later after three jam sessions, they were in the studio. Keeping with the band’s philosophy that time’s not there for wasting, they filmed the clip at Max Watts in Melbourne just a week later.

Tim says the song is about “feeling isolated, overwhelmed and conflicted between what you feel is right within yourself, and what everyone else is constantly telling you.”

It’s just the thing you need to fire you up on the home stretch to the weekend!

Image used with permission from Deathproof PR