Bec Sandridge Back and Bringing the Good Times With “Cost of Love”

“If Shania Twain + Daft Punk met at an 80s aerobics class, sweatily hooked up and had a gay baby … she would be named ‘Cost of Love’,” shared Bec Sandridge on her latest single. It’s not a bad description! I also hear a little HAIM influence here. Either way, it’s bloody good fun! Bec’s first release since her 2019 debut album Try + Save Me, it’s a welcome return to the music scene.

“I wrote this song with dear pals Lucy Taylor and Dave Jenkins Jr. At the time, I was stuck in a kind of tug-of-war, arm-wrestle with myself … weighing up whether a certain relationship was worth it (the unraveling of a thread, the push and pull in compromise, digging up old and new dirt),” Bec admitted. “It felt like I had lost myself in a relationship that had a relatively frail foundation. Despite the rocky-ness of the whole thing, we kept trying to build upon it beyond the used-by-date … I guess, we attempted to roll the shit in shit-tonnes of glitter to a degree. This song was my attempt to explore being logical in love and answer the question of: ‘How do you know when to call it before you lose all of yourself and in turn, each other?’”

“Cost of Love” is the first track lifted from Bec’s new EP, Lost Dog, which drops on October 7. She’ll give music lovers a taste of more new material and all their old favourites when she launches “Cost of Love” with East Coast shows this August.

5 August 2022 – Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
11 August 2022 – Mary’s Underground, Sydney
12 August 2022 – UC Hub, Canberra
25 August 2022 – Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane

Image used with permission from Beehive PR; credit: Sam Brumby, editing Giulia McGauran