Fall In Love With Franjapan

I love falling down a musical rabbit hole. I intend on listening to a band’s current single, but end up devouring their entire back catalogue. The latest band to fire me up that way is Franjapan. Trust me, if your Hump Day is anything like mine, they’ll give you the pick-me-up you need to make it through. Sitting somewhere between The Strokes and Sam Fender, they make some of the catchiest rock music I’ve heard in some time. Take a listen to their new single “Lucy,” but don’t be surprised if like me you find yourself tuning in to the rest of their songs.

“The song was written about a night I had at a party,” explained the Naarm/Melbourne band’s guitarist and vocalist, Rhys Fraser-White. “It’s simply an observation of the activities or values that are ever-present in the youthful nightlife. I believe the essence of the song is an attempt to capture the lustful innocence of our youth before its impending end. A snapshot of a moment in time.”

“The guitar riff and chord progression came first. They’re heavily inspired by Sam Fender’s guitar playing (very tasty). We love Sam and his band. The verse lyrics followed shortly after. Once I had the riff and verse lyrics down, I showed Spencer [Ward, guitar/vocals] the song and we constructed a chorus and bridge in a matter of minutes. We brought the finished song to Dennis [Sehovic, guitar], Oli [Collins, drums], and Oscar [Macalpine, bass] who each added their own unique touches. The finished product is ‘Lucy’.”

Franjapan are currently touring the East Coast, headlining shows for the very first time. You can still catch them at the following gigs:
28 April 2023 – The Barrie, Eora/Sydney (FREE)
30 April 2023 – The North Gong Hotel, Dharawal Country/Wollongong (FREE)

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Jontee Langton