Cherish Live Concert Raises Funds for Young Hospital

Some of Australia’s top entertainers will travel to the country town of Young for a charity show later this month.

Cherish Live will help raise funds for a renal unit at Young Hospital. Currently people requiring kidney dialysis must travel to Canberra three times a week for the treatment, a four-hour return trip which takes its toll on the already sick patients.

Evermore, Thirsty Merc, and Australian Idol graduates Luke Dickens, Roshani Priddis, and Teale Jakubenko will headline the charity show.

This is a really great cause, so I hope anyone who’s even close to Young gets out there and supports it.

Tickets are available online for $80 plus the booking fee.

Luke Dickens and Wes Carr Head to the Opera House

This is it Australia: our two Australian Idol finalists have been decided and they’re heading to the Opera House next Sunday! Mark Spano was eliminated, leaving Luke Dickens and Wes Carr to battle it out for the title.

The highlight of the show was the unveiling of the potential winner’s singles. That’s right, singles. For the first time ever, the singers have selected different songs to release should they become the next Australian Idol. It makes sense really: the contestants are always different so why have we forced them to sing the same song for so long? Best of all, neither song is the “I can’t believe I’m here and I won” anthem we’re used to. These are actually the kind of songs people might want to buy!

Luke Dickens’ is a song called “When We Hear Hallelujah,” a moving ballad with a tinge of country. I was drawn in but it kind of lost me towards the end. It’s a lot better than anything we’ve heard out of the Australian Idol competition, but it’s just not my kind of song.

Wes Carr’s single, “You,” was a completely different matter. What a fantastic song! This bluesy love song is the sort of thing I could happily listen to when it’s played to death on radio.

I love both Luke and Wes. They’re so talented, and I really have no clue who Australians are going to choose. But if the winner’s singles give us any indication of what sort of artist these guys will be, I hope Wes comes through in the end.

Australian Idol Top 12 Revealed

Australian Idol has a top 12! But just like this entire series of Idol, it wasn’t without surprises. We’re used to the public choosing two wildcards and the judges choosing the remaining two. Not so this year, with the judges deciding to put three of their favourites through to the finals. Would it have changed the results any? Who knows. I’m certainly happy with the result.

The judges elected to send star performer Roshani Priddis, “rough diamond” Luke Dickens, and quirky singer-songwriter Jonny Taylor through to the finals. Ex-pat Sophie Paterson was the audience favourite, earning her rightful place in the top 12.

So now it’s on to the pointy end of things. With such amazing talent making up our top 12, I say bring it on!

Image source: Wikimedia Commons