Mark Da Costa Rocking No More

No sooner had Mark Da Costa unplugged his amplifier than the Australian Idol rock god was eliminated from the show.

The show’s oldest competitor became the first male to get the boot after his bluesy reworking of “Yellow” on Sunday night.

The verdict seemed the shock the judges and other contestants, but it came as no surprise to Mark.

“It’s like the first audition for Idol, I had this bug saying ‘Go and audition you’ll do really well’. But tonight I had this bug that’s like it ended, I had this bug that it’s gonna end,” he told the crowd.

No doubt next week’s Brit-pop theme will suit Jacob Butler. The Melbourne lad will be looking for a better reception after finding himself in the bottom three along with touchdown king Daniel Mifsud.

It’s a new theme for Idol, and one that I have mixed thoughts about. I only hope our contestants look beyond Coldplay, Oasis, and Blur and cover some older, and much cooler, British music.