Q & A With Mark Sheehan of The Script

The Script are all over local radio and the Australian music charts, and soon the lads from Dublin will be here in the flesh. I chatted with Mark Sheehan ahead of the band’s September tour.

You’ve only recently visited Australia for some shows, yet you’re about to tour here again in September. What keeps you coming back?
What can I say? We’re suckers for the Aussies. We love it there. Aside from the band, Dan [O’Donoghue] and I have been there a few times travelling around a little. We LOVED it. Plus your beer is good!

You’re playing some small theatres while you’re here, yet back home you’ve been performing in stadiums. How do those intimate shows compare to the much larger ones?
I prefer them to be honest. The stadiums are very surreal and the shock settles in after you’re off stage … very annoying. But the smaller shows is where we are from and I find the atmosphere is always electric. We’re on top of the audience. God help them!

I’ve got tickets to your Sydney concert. What can I expect when I see you guys live?
Nakedness! No, I lie. We would clear the building out if we did that. Maybe I’ve just started an idea for last call in bars throughout the world: show them naked Script pictures and clear the shop. We like to call our live shows our time off because no one bothers us up there. It’s the reason why we’re in it so we really savour that and play the best we can. Our shows are high energy, so if the audience is any good then we just excel. It’s a reciprocal energy, so audience and band feed off each other so to speak. This is what we live for.
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