“Brisneyland” – MofoIsDead

I’ve gotten into the habit of listening to a little music and blogging while I work on other projects. It’s usually a good way for me to figure out what floats my boat and what’s getting binned, so I can make sure this blog gets updated without my other deadlined work getting neglected. Usually the music works in the background. I might get drawn out for a moment or two, but rarely does it steal focus from the other things I’m doing.

And then there’s Brisneyland, the new EP from Brisbane’s alternative rock act MofoIsDead. This is the sort of recording that refuses to fade into the background or be ignored. It’s anthemic, epic, and loud. Or at least it should be. Listening to it at a decent volume while I attempted to focus on something else just didn’t feel right.

So I gave up trying to do anything else and just listened to the music. I love the way this band plays with light and shade. They can turn it up, and they invariably do. But before the chunky guitar riffs kick in on opening track “Plutocracy,” there’s a delicate violin. When we’re not treated to driving drums and blisteringly fast guitar licks there are moments of quiet reflection, space for the songs to breathe. “Mournography” is a beautiful instrumental number, a tribute to vocalist Paul Galagher’s best friend who passed away during the recording of “Brisneyland.” Paul’s vocals deserve a special mention. He’s got one of the strongest rock voices I’ve heard in some time, and it elevates these already strong songs into the stratosphere.

Brisneyland drops on November 20. Look out for it, because it’s an absolute cracker.

Image used with permission from Collision Course

Show MofoIsDead Some Love

Brisbane act MofoIsDead has really impressed me with their debut single “Love Me.” It’s got some blistering guitars, an epic chorus, and some impressive rock vocals from lead singer Paul Galagher. As an added bonus, the video has cats. That’s always going to win me over.

The tune comes from the band’s debut album Nubile, which has been independently produced and released. I always appreciate a band that’s producing great music entirely under their own steam.

MofoIsDead are planning to tour the east coast late in May, so make sure you look out for them on the road!