Maison Hall on Comeback Trail With “Montreux”

After a nearly six-year break, Maison Hall are back together and doing what they love: making music. To celebrate their return, the indie duo has a killer new single “Montreux” that you’ve just got to hear. It’s vibrant and exciting, the perfect marriage of big rock sounds with introspective lyrics.

“Montreux is celebratory,” said one half of the duo, Joe Kneipp. “Not just because we’re still doing this, but because we’re still doing this despite our ‘real-life’ obligations, the distance between us, the total absence of pecuniary success, etc. We are so divorced from any external validations – the simple fact is, I love making music, and I love making music with Ben [Byron]. And we’re gonna keep fucking doing it!”

The song comes with an awesomely creative clip that explores the struggle between creation and survival in the world of capitalism.

“The concept of the clip is pretty on the nose – the juxtaposition between the left and right brain, the creative and the pragmatist, the poetic and the prosaic,” Joe added. “ If you’re a musician, or any creative for that matter, who’s not lucky enough to make all their money from creative endeavours, you’ll understand these tensions. I workshopped it with Ben and then James Cooney, who stars in the clip as the ‘right-brain’ and is part of our live lineup.”

Maison Hall have wasted no time getting back in front of audiences. They made a triumphant return to Brisbane last week and have two more shows to go on their single tour. Catch them at Melbourne’s The Retreat Hotel tomorrow night or Gang Gang Café in Canberra on Sunday.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR; credit: Rylee Olsson