Meet Ben Witkowski’s “Mountain Man”

The New Year is all about being the best version of yourself, making those pledges to try harder and improve yourself. If you’re needing a little inspiration, look no further than “Mountain Man,” the latest single from Melbourne singer-songwriter Ben Witkowski.

“I wrote ‘Mountain Man’ back in a time where I was struggling mentally. I started to think of everything that made me happy, and suddenly this other version of myself appeared in my mind. Someone who believed in themselves and could chase their dreams. I decided to name this alter-ego the ‘Mountain Man’,” he explained. “I hope this song can resonate with other people that may be doing it tough. We can all achieve anything if we truly believe in ourselves.”

I love the way this song builds to an epic, powerful crescendo which elevates it above so many gentle folk songs. I couldn’t help thinking of acts like Mumford & Sons and Glen Hansard, who really make a powerful emotional impact through stirring lyrics and back-to-basics instrumentation. I hear this is the first of many new songs for Ben. I can’t wait to hear the rest.

Image used with permission from the A&R Department