Q & A with Elen Levon

Elen Levon is causing quiet a stir with her sexy new single “Naughty.” I recently caught up with this talented Aussie teen to talk about the track, touring the country with Winterbeatz, and how she’s dealing with her new found fame.

You’ve enjoyed a lot of success quite fast and at such a young age. Who or what keeps you grounded?
I’m surrounded by an awesome team and family that keep me humble and grounded.

You’re about to release your single “Naughty” which is quite risqué. Did you have any concerns about that considering your age and how people may see you as a role model?
Everyone will have their own perspectives and beliefs on the video and I cannot control that! But my take on it, is a fun dance track that everyone can let go to.

You worked with Israel Cruz on that track, who’s also doing some great things in the Australian music industry. What was he like to work with?
Israel is an amazing talent and cool to work with.

You recently toured the country with some of R’n’B’s biggest names as part of Winterbeatz. What was it like to be a part of that?
It was an honor to be up there with big names like that! I just enjoyed being on the stage and entertaining.

I imagine a lot of the people attending would have been there to see some of the really big acts like Snoop Dogg and Taio Cruz. How did you win them over?
Hopefully with my performance and just having fun with the audience!

What did you learn about performing seeing guys like that at work?
They are all individually amazing artists in their own rights and they do an amazing job at their crafts.

You’re generating such buzz at the moment, it’d be a perfect time to release an album. Is that too far off?
Definitely working on an album and can’t wait to share songs that I have personally written.

You’ve been dubbed Australia’s answer to Britney Spears and Ciara. That’s what other people view you as, but what musician would you like to model your career on?
I would like to create timeless music that everyone connect with and enjoy. I would like to grasp all audiences.

A lot of people are talking about you having this worldwide appeal and crossing over to other markets. Do you think you’ll always call Australia home?
I will always call Australia home because this is where I started but I definitely see myself travelling and writing all over the world.

Do you have anything else in the pipeline that you can tell me about?
I’m just concentrating on my live performances and releasing more singles.

Image used with permission from Revolutions Per Minute