Jason Singh Signs Dance Deal with Neon

Former Taxiride frontman Jason Singh is giving dance music a go, signing up with Grant Smillie’s (TV Rock) record label Neon.

“The great thing about signing with Neon is that it gives me the opportunity to explore new music horizons,” Jason told Undercover News.

It sounds like the new stuff couldn’t be further away from the pop-rock Jason found fame with. His first release will be “The World As We Know It,” a remix of a song Jason did with his last band Future Role Models.

This new version will have the extra dance cred of producer Todd Watson.

“We bought Todd in to do a remix of “The World As We Know It” as a B-side for Future Role Models but it was a better version,” Jason said. “It rose to the top.”

Jason has rerecorded the vocals for the single which should hit stores at the end of January.