We All Want To Offer No Signs

Brisbane band We All Want To are helping us usher in our weekend with their latest single “No Signs”.

This is a real retro gem, with jangly guitars and heavy driving drum beats. It’s catchy, but listen closer and you’ll find a lot of depth. “No Signs” is the first cut to come from the band’s second album Come Up Invisible.

If you’re digging it, see We All Want To doing their thing in the flesh at the following shows.

19 April 2013 – Judith Wright Centre, Brisbane
25 April 2013 – Union Hotel, Newtown
26 April 2013 – Good God Small Club, Sydney
27 April 2013 – Love The Phoenix, Canberra
10 May 2013 – Edinburgh Hotel Front Bar, Brunswick (Early Acoustic Session)
10 May 2013 – Yarra Hotel, Abbotsford
11 May 2013 – Public Bar, North Melbourne
24 May 2013 – Spotted Cow Hotel, Toowoomba