“Old Growth” – Tom Harrison

Tom Harrison takes us on a road trip through North America with his gorgeous debut EP, Old Growth. Tom burst onto the scene in 2018 with his band Hugo Stranger and the Rattlers, but he’s showing us a quieter, more introverted side with this release.

Old Growth sees Tom trading in his usual gritty blues for a sweeter, folkier sound. He penned the songs in 2017, when he travelled across Canada and America’s West Coast with his wife in a Chevy van. Each song brings a moment of that epic journey to life for listeners.

“I got the title Old Growth from the forests we were visiting in Oregon and on Vancouver Island,” Tom explained. “It felt like a summary for where I mentally was at. I was accepting a new chapter of my lifeand learning so much about myself and growing as an adult.”

If you’re a long-term reader you’re already familiar with the singles, “Start Again” and “How Long.” The other tracks help us fill in the missing pieces of their adventures. The opening song “Miles Away” may be my favourite. Its jaunty little melody and cruisy vibe perfectly set the scene for a trip with endless possibilities. It’s not all about chilling out though. “Skraeling” sees Tom at his most political, firing up at the “little men” like Donald Trump and Scott Morrison he saw failing their people from their positions of power. “Buffalo” is a haunting song inspired by the old missing people posters he saw at a New York bus terminal. Closing song “Ontario” has a cool Western feel that I’m really digging. Its bluesy sound is closest to the Hugo Stranger material that put Tom on my radar. Tom said “I think it nicely closes this chapter and gives a wink towards the next direction of my music.”

I’m not sure where his next musical moves will take him, but I’m excited to keep listening. Old Growth is out now. You can catch Tom playing at one of the following shows:

5 July 2024 – Banshees Bar & Art Space, Meeanjin/Brisbane
16 August 2024 – It’s Still a Secret, Meeanjin/Brisbane

Images used with permission from Tom Harrison