Lucy Neville Makes Her Mark with “On My Own”

“On My Own” by Lucy Neville is one of those songs I’ve wanted to write about for a little while. I actually received a private stream in an email a couple of weeks ago, and while I dug her Ellie Goulding-esque vibe, I really hate writing about stuff that I can’t show you all.

So I left it until now, when the clip has been listed as a must see video on VEVO’s homepage. I’d really glad it’s getting some public exposure, because it’s a great song. I love Lucy’s voice, and the easy way she blends pop, folk, and electronica. The lyrics are also superb; little wonder it saw her placed as a finalist in the Vanda & Young Songwriting competition.

There’s definitely a bright future ahead for this 19-year-old from Sydney.