Satin Cali Drop Your New Favourite Rock Song, “One of These Days”

There’s nothing quite like hearing a really good rock song. The epic vocals, soaring electric guitars and driving rhythm section just make you feel alive. I know you’re going to get that feeling listening to Satin Cali’s new single “One of These Days.” Crank up the volume and give this one the treatment it deserves.

“One of these days is about believing in your goals and sticking to your guns, no matter what obstacle is in front of you,” explained the band’s lead vocalist Zac. “We decided to chill this song out sonically a bit more than some of our previous releases, while keeping that Satin Cali grit relevant throughout. A lot of that magic we can credit [producer and mixing engineer] Jack Nigro for too. Super pumped for this next release! Easily our best work yet.”

The film clip sees the lads raising hell around their local area of Woolyungah/Wollongong.

“I had such a good time shooting the music video for ‘One of these days’, getting to shred my axe and cause a bit of chaos around Wollongong,” added Gordo. “The video shows that we are truly willing to play anywhere to have our music heard. A bookstore, intersection of a busy street, etc. Also, being able to showcase some of the epic locations our local community has was special. Super keen to show the world this one”

Satin Cali have been touring along the East Coast in recent weeks. They’ll wrap up the tour with a show at The Gasometer Hotel in Naarm/Melbourne on October 22. Get on down and make it a big one!

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Chris Frape